Ask the superior! ! The text on the computer page is not fully displayed. . . (including QQ, web pages, cool dog songs, etc. )

● Eliminate the garbled display of application software;

Open the subbranch of HKEY _ local _ machine system CurrentControlSetControlFontTassoa associated character set in the registry, and change the value of "SYMBOL(02)" (the internal code of Windows XP system) in the right window to "No".

● Set font replacement in application software:

When you use word processing applications, you will often encounter such a situation. When you edit a file on one computer and open it on another computer, the original font will change. The reason is that the fonts installed on the two computers are different, and the system replaced the fonts that were not installed on this computer with the installed fonts. If the designated replacement font is not similar to the original font, there will be confusion and illegibility of words. In order to avoid these problems, this replacement can be done by the registration center. Open the subkey branch of HKEY _ Local _ MachinesoftMicroft T Windows ntCurrentVersionStatements, and you can see that in the window on the right, the key names of some key items are one font name, while the numerical values are another font name. It means that when the font of the key item name appears in the system, it is replaced by the font in the numerical value. If you want to change the replaced font, double-click the key item and change the value to the desired font name in the pop-up dialog box. However, please note that the font used for replacement must be an existing font in Fonts in Control Panel, and the space in the middle of the font name string must be correct.

Add a runnable program suffix:

In Windows XP system, the suffix is. com,。 exe,。 Bats. Pif and Cmd can run. If you want to add other runnable program suffixes, such as. Cgj, open the HKEY _ current _ user software Microsoft Windows NTCurrentVersionWindows subbranch in the registry editor, and add "cgj" after the program item data in the right window.

● The problem of long and short file name conversion in application software;

Windows XP supports long file names, so named files are no longer limited by DOS format. However, when the DIR command is used to view the file name under the DOS window in Windows XP, when the file name exceeds 8 characters, the front part will be automatically intercepted and a "~" and a number will be added after it. This is an 8.3 format short file name automatically generated by Windows XP for DOS compatibility. This generation method can be changed by modifying the registry to make the generated short file name as consistent as possible with the original file name. Open the subbranch of HKEY _ local _ machine system CurrentControlSetControlFileSystem, create a new binary item data "NameNumericTail" in the right window, and change its value to 00. After restarting, the file name displayed in the DOS window of Windows XP will be as close as possible to the long file name, which is easy to distinguish and never identical.

● Change font association:

Occasionally, in Windows XP, the fonts of application software cannot be displayed normally. This situation may be caused by the font association error of the application software in Windows XP. If fonts have been installed normally, there may be errors in font association in the registry. Open the branch of HKEY _ Local _ Machine System CurrentControlSetControlFontassoc sub-item. There should be three sub-items under this sub-item, namely, associated character set, associated default font and associated font. If the Chinese character software is garbled, it is usually that the content under the associated DefaultFonts subitem is incomplete. The following are all key names and values under this subkey.

Among them, "New Song Style" can also be "Song Style". In addition, the application of some character sets is specified in the relevant character set. The key value is the name of the character set, and the value can be "Yes" or "No". If English software appears garbled under Chinese Windows XP. You can try to change the value of GB23 12(86) to "No", which will take effect after restarting.

● Increase the executable file path of the application:

If the program to be run is not in the specified directory, the DOS system generally uses the method of setting the path in the automatic batch file Autoexec.bat to automatically find this program. In Windows XP, users can increase the application path more secretly instead of setting up automatic batch processing, which requires modifying the registry.

For example, the executable file to add the path is "f: download program file saports14 activeports.exe". Open the subitem branch of HKEY _ local _ machine software Microft Windows CurrentVersionapp path in the registry, and create a new subitem "aports.exe" under it. Change its default value to f: download the program file saports 14 active portsaports.exe, and then create a new sub-item "Path" under this sub-item and change its value to f: download the program file saports 14 active port. In this way, you can directly run the program by typing "aports.exe" or "aports" at the "Run" command line.

Hope to adopt!