In 1837, Froebel founded a game activity institution in Blankenburg, Swabia, Germany. Named Kindergarten in 1840, it was the first kindergarten in the world.
Note: Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel (April 21, 1782 - June 2, 1852), a German educator, was recognized as one of the most important educationalists in Europe in the 19th century. One of the founders of modern preschool education. He not only founded the first preschool education institution called "kindergarten", but his educational thoughts still dominate the basic direction of preschool education theory.
The first kindergarten in the United States was founded in Columbus, Ohio, in 1838 by Louisa Frankenberg, a student of Froebel. Another early kindergarten was established in 1856 by Mrs. Schurz in Watertown, Dodge County, Wisconsin, and became public in 1873.
Taiwan’s first kindergarten was established on December 1, 1897, during the Japanese colonial period. The cause was that Cai Mengxiong of the Tainan City Education Association visited Japan and discovered that early childhood education existed in Japan. Therefore, after returning to Taiwan, he invited powerful Taiwanese and Japanese people to open the "Guandi Temple Kindergarten" in the Liuhe Hall of the Ancestral Temple. The students were mainly the children of wealthy gentry and officials, with boys accounting for 2/3. However, due to lack of teachers and funds, it was closed in October 1900. Since then, private kindergartens across Taiwan have made the same mistake. It was not until the Governor-General of Taiwan promulgated the "Private Kindergarten Regulations" on March 14, 1905, and the Government-General promulgated the "Public Kindergarten Regulations" in 1921, that Taiwan's early childhood education was put on track.
Is Taiwan considered domestic?