How to speak Korean words when going to a Korean restaurant, such as Korean words for fried rice cakes?

Kimchi: kim ci: kimchi soup: kim ci zi ge; miso soup: dun zang ci ge;

Tofu soup: sun du qu ci ge; bibimbap: bi bim bab; kimbap: kim bab

Pork rib soup: kal bi tang; barbecue: bul gu gi; cold noodles: ne miun

Jajiang noodles: za zan miun; mung bean pancake: bin de dou; rice: bab soup: gug

Fried rice: bu gm bab; rice cake: dou; rice cake soup: dou gug; fried rice cake: dou bu gi

Sushi: cu bab ; Grilled eel: zang ou gu i; Stir-fried mixed vegetables: zan ce;

Chili sauce: gu cu zang; Barley tea: bu li can; Drink: ongm liu;

Soju : su zu; beer: meg zu; hot pot: sin son lu

These are almost enough to eat, haha.

ang niu ha sai ou--Hello

ou sou ou sai you--Welcome

mul d si ge sm ni ga?--You What to eat

mu du oul ma ye you?--How much does a *** cost?

bul gu gi 2 in bun zu se you.--Two portions of barbecue, please.

Please indicate the number of barbecues per person

Korean and Chinese numerals: il-1, i-2, sam-3, sa-4, u-5,

< p> you-6,qil-7,pai-8,gu-9,sib-10

Note: e is pronounced as the English phonetic symbol /e/.

I can only write roughly, and the pinyin is not very standard. Haha, hope this helps.