Ann Ann Ada noble Aamina Emina
Aaryn Arun
Abagail Abaiguier
Abbey Abi
Abbie Abbie
Abbigail Abigail
Abbott Abby
Abby Abby
Abeille Abeille
Abel Abel
Abi Abi
Abigail Abigail
Abigale Abigail
Abner Abner
Abril Abiruel
Acacia Akasha p>
Achel Archer
Ada Aida
Adaeze Adizi
Adah Aida
Adair Adair
Adaline Adaline
Adara Adara
Addie Eddie
Addison Edison
Adela Adela
Adelaida Adelaida
Adelaide Adelaide
Hadley Hadley
p>Hagar 黑格
Hailee Hailey
Hailey Hailey
Hailie Hailey
Hale Hall
p>Haleigh Harley
Haley Harley
Hali Harley
Halie Harley
Halle Hale
p>Hallie Hallie
Halo Black Dew
Hamiltion Hamilton
Han Han
Hanadi Hanadi
Hania Haniya
Hanna Hannah
Hannah Hannah
Hanne Hanni
Hanneke Hanneke
Hannellene Hanellene
Hansa Hansa
Hardy Hardy
Harinder hayinder
Harjeet Harjit
Harlan Harlan
Harle Harley
Harley Harley
Harriet Harriet
Harriett Harriet
Harry Harry
Harvey Harvey
Hattie Hattie
Hayden Hayden
Haylee Hailey
Hayleigh Hailey
Hayley Hailey
Haylie Hailey
Hazel Heather
Heather Heather
Heaven sea pattern
Hedda Hedda
Hedieh Heidi
Hedy Heidi
Heidi Heidi
Heike Haike
Heini Heini
Helen Helen
Helena Helena
Heloise Heloise
Hendrika Hendrika
Henley Henry
Henna Henna
Henrietta Henrietta
Henry Henry
Herbert Herbert
Herman Herman
Hestia Hestia
Hilary Hillary
Hilda Hilda
Hildegunn Hildige
Hillary Hilary
Hiram Heller
Hisako Haisakao
Hobart Hobart
Hoda Hoda
Hogan Hogan
Holly Holly
Honey Hannie
Honor Horner
Honour Honor
Hope Hope
Horace Harris
Howar Good
Howletha Halesa
Howy Ha Wei
Hubery Hubert
Huda Huda
Hugh Hugh
Hugo Hugo
Hulda Hulda
Huma Yuma
Humphrey Humphrey
Hunter Hunter
Hyman Hyman
Labamba Labamba
Lacee bud bacteria
Lacey bud fungus
Lachelle Rachelle
Laci lacey
Lacie lacey
Lacy bud West
Ladesta Ladesta
Ladonna Ladonna
Lady Reddy
Laila Leila
Laine Renee
Lainey Renee
Lakasia Leikaxia
Lakeisha Leikesha
Laken Leikeen
Laketha Lakesha
h Lakeydra
Lakita Lakota
Lal Lal
Lala Lala
Lambert Lambert
Lamonjanae Lamonjanae
Lana Lana
Lance Lance
Landi Randy
Landy Randy
Lanell Lanier
Laney Lannie
Lanita Lanita
Lantha Lanza
Laretta Laretta
Larisa Larissa
Larissa Larissa
Larry Larry
Larsen Larsen
Lashan Lashan
Lashay Lashaer
Lashunta Lashunta
Latecia Latisha
Latesha Latisha Lisa
Latifah Latifah
Latika Latika
Latina Latina
Latisha Latisha
Latonia Latnia
Latoya Latoya
Latricia La Cuixia
Laura Laura
Lauran Lauren
Laure Laurie
Laureen Laorun
Laurel Laurel
Lauren Laureen
Lauretta Lao Leta
Laurie Laurie
Laurnette Laurnette
Lauryn Laoyun
Laveece Lavis
Lavendel Raven beans
<p>Lavenna Lavina
Lavina Lavina
Lavinia Lavinia
Lavon Lawen
Lavonne Lavinne
Lawanda Lawanda
Lawrence Lawrence
Layla Layla
Layna Leina
Lea Leah
Leah Leah
Leanda Linda
Leandra Linda
Leann Li An
Leanna Lina
Leanne Lin Ni
Lee Li
Leeann Lin An
Leeanne Lin Annie
Leesa Lisa
Leia Leia
Leif Leif
Leigh Li
Leila Lila
Leilani Lilani
Leisa Lisa
Leisha Leisha
Len Lynn
Lena Lena
Leniece Lenis
Lennon Lennon
Leo Leo
Leona Leona
Leonard Leonard
Leondra Leodra
Leonie Lini
Leonor Leonor
Leonora Leonora
Leopold Leopold
Leota Leota
Lerry Lai Rui
Les Les
Lesley Leslie
Lesly Lai Silly
Lester Lester
Letanya Lai Tanya
Leticia Letitia
Letitia Letitia
<p>Letty Letty
Levana Levana
Levi Levi
Lewis Lewis
Lewissa Lewisa
Lexi Lexi
Lexie Lexi
Lexus Lexus
Lezlie Lai Zili
Lia Lil
Lian lian
Liana Liana
Liang Liang
Lianne Lianne
Liarna Liana
Libby Libby
Liberty Rebelty
Licia Licia
Lida Lida
Lidia Lidia
Lie 灁
Lieke Li Ke
Lienn Li En
Liesl Liesl
Ligaya Ligaiya
Lijia Lijia
Lila Laila
Lilia Liliya
Lilian Lillian
Liliana Li Lillian
Lilita Lilita
Lilith Lilith
Lillian Lillian
Lilliana Lillian Anna
Lillie Lily
Lilly Lily
Lily Lily
Lim Lim
Limber Limben
Limei Li Mei
Lin Lin
Lina Lina
Linaeve Lina Eve
Linann Lin An
Lincolina Lin Kelina
Linda Linda
Lindsay Linzi
Lindsey Linzi
Ling Ling
Lingling Lingling
Linn Lin
Linnea Linna
Linnie Linnie
Lionel Lionel
Liren Beauty
Lisa Lisa
Lisandra Lisandra
Lisara Lisara
Lisas Lisas
Lisette Lisette
Lissa Lisa
Lissy Lissy
Lita Lita
Litzy Li posture
Livi Liwei
Liz Liz
Liza Lisa
Lizabeth Lisabeth
Lizbeth Lizzie
Lize Lizzie
Lizelle Lizelle
Lizeth Lizzie
Lizette Lizante
Lizzi Lisa
Lizzie Liqi
Llariza Lalisha
Loane Ron
Logan Luo Chan
Lois Lois
Lola Lola
Lolita Lolita
Loma Loma
Lona Lona
p>London London
Lora Lola
Loralei Loralei
Lore Luoer
Loren Loren p>
Lorena Lorena
Lorene Lorene
Lorenza Lorenza
Loretta Loretta
Lori Lorelee
Lorilee Luo Ruili
Lorinda Lorinda
Lorna Lorna
Lorraine Lorraine
>Lorrie Loli
Lotte Lottie
Lottie Lottie
Lotus Lotus
Lou Lu
Louis Louis
Louisa Louisa
Louise Louise
Louissa Louisa
Lourdes Luo Desi
Louse Lu Zi
Louwana Lu Wanna
Lovella Luowei La
Luana Luana
Lubov Lubov
Lucia Lucia
Lucy Lucy
Ludmila Ludmila
Luiza Louis 姹
Lulu Lulu
Luna Luna
Lupita Lupita
Lurdes Ludes
Luther Luther
Lux Lux
Luz Luzi
Lyani Lionyni
Lydia Lydia
Lyet Leitte
Lyle Lyle
Lyn Lin
Lyna Linna
Lyndal Lindale
Lyndell Lindale
Lyndi Lindy
p>Lyndon Linton
Lyndsey Linzi
Lyndy Lindy
Lynley Lin Lei
Lynn Linn
p>Lynndi Lindy
Lynne Linnie
Lynnette Lynette
Lynsey Linxi
Li Ruike
Lyrin Lilin
Hannah Hannah Hebrew elegant.
Harriet Harriet French housewife
Hazel Hazel British leader, commander.
Heather Heather UK flowering heather.
Hedda Hedda German struggle or battle.
Hedy Hedy Greece is sweet and admirable.
Helen Helen Greek, Latin torch; bright.
Heloise Heloise France is sound; very famous on the battlefield.
Hermosa Spain is beautiful.
Hilda Hilda Teutonic fighting; female warrior
Hilary Hilary Latin happy.
Honey Hanni UK Dear people.
Hulda Hulda Teutonic is elegant and deeply loved by the public. ,
ABIGALE was originally an ancient Hebrew name, meaning "the original joy" or "the foundation of joy". In Chapter 25 of 1 Samuel in the Bible, the story of an early man named Abigale is told. In this story, she is a smart and beautiful woman. She has extraordinary wisdom and strategy. Thus, she later became the wife of King David of Israel.
ABBYABBIE is the abbreviation of ABIGAIL. People think that ABBY is a petite and lovely woman, quiet, lovable and with a sweet personality.
ADA (Old English) means "noble". The abbreviation for ADELAIDE. ADA gives the impression of being an older, conservative, hard-working person.
The English writing of ADELINE Adelaide. Adeline is portrayed as an old-fashioned, bad-tempered girl who is overly polite but defiant.
AILSA is Old German, meaning happy girl.
AIMEE comes from French and means lovely person.
ALICE (Greek) "truth"; (Old German) "noble". Most people regard Alice as the Alice in "Alice in Wonderland" - a young dreamer who loves fun and has an unfettered soul. Some people think she is a proud old woman.
ALINA Alina, Old German, means "noble".
ALLISON Gaelic, tiny, true; Old German, famous among the gods. It is reminiscent of a beautiful and flawless woman, smart and considerate.
ANGELIA (Greece) "angel, messenger." Angelia is described as a beautiful, petite woman who either has a sweet and gentle personality, or is a lively and reckless girl. .
AMANDA (Latin name) has its root meaning love. AMANDA means lovely person. She was considered conservatively beautiful and slender, sweet and wealthy.
ANNE is a kind, elegant girl who likes to help others. Many queens and princesses of the royal family have this name or ANNIE, and many civilians also like this name.
ANN (Hebrew) "elegant", the English form of HANNAH. The name ANN reminds people of an ordinary, middle-class woman who is kind, down-to-earth, diligent, and honest.
AMY means "deeply loved" in Latin. AMY gives people the impression of being an exquisite, slender girl with quiet, calm, cultured and elegant qualities.
AMANDA is a Latin name whose root means love. AMANDA means lovely person. Depicted as a conservative, beautiful and delicate woman, sweet and wealthy.
AMBER Old French, amber.
It is reminiscent of a tall, elegant red-haired girl, smart, sexy, strong and arrogant.
ANASTASIA Do you recognize it? It's the original English title of Fox's new film Princess. Derived from the Greek word resurrection, the name is therefore suitable for those born around Easter. Early Christians often used it to name girls who had just been baptized, which meant they had gained new life. Because this name contains more religious elements, it has been widely spread in Ireland and the United States. Nicknamed STACEY.
ANDREA (Latin) "feminine". ANDREA is described as a mature and healthy woman who may be smart or clumsy, soft-spoken or painfully serious. Generally speaking, ANDREA is admirable.
ANGELA (Greek) means angel, the one who delivers messages. ANGELA has been described as a beautiful, slender woman, gentle and lovely or an energetic but reckless girl.
ANNIE is the same as ANN, just like the orphan girl Anne, ANNIE is described as a cute little girl. Her words and deeds may be ridiculous but she is very smart, and her personality is kind but very stubborn.
ANITAAnita is the Spanish way of writing Ann. People think that the name Anita is very suitable for a petite, beautiful, middle-class woman with a pleasant personality, smart, lovable, and full of fun.
ARIEL (Hebrew), the lioness of God. A lioness, right? ARIEL has a more feminine image, slender, beautiful, a princess-like girl, smart and shy.
APRIL (Latin) means beginning. When people hear APRIL, they imagine a graceful girl, sweet, energetic and unrestrained.
ASHLEY is a person from the woods. ASHLEY is described as a beautiful professional woman, shy, friendly, with correct values ??and tastes. She likes to be accompanied by cats and puppies, and wears long dresses and plays the piano.
AVIVA (Hebrew) means "beautiful spring" together with Avivahc and Avivi.
LAREINA means queen in Spanish.
The Latin name LAURA means "Tree of the Bay". In fact it is the female form of LAWRENCE. People say that LAURA is a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed woman with a classic temperament and a sweet personality.
LENA (Latin) seducer; "leen", "lena," "lina," "line". LENA has two different images: petite, lively singer or stubborn, young A tall Norwegian woman.
LYDIA was originally a place name in Asia Minor. In ancient times, there was a king named Croesus, who made this place a very prosperous area. Later, his kingdom collapsed in 546 BC. , after becoming a people, its meaning is "the girl of Lidya area"
LILLIAN (Latin) lily, this name reminds people of fragility, simplicity, wealth and glasses. Woman - maybe a librarian. Some people think that Lillian represents kindness, and others think that Lillian is honest and talkative.
LINDA (Spanish) means beautiful, which is exactly what people expect. Linda is a blond girl with blue eyes, sweet and quiet.
LISA is the alias of ELIZABETH. LISA is described as a beautiful, dark, quiet and smart girl. Some people think LISA is a funny and kind girl. .
LIZ is the abbreviation of ELIZABETH. People describe LIZ as a beautiful, tall, energetic woman with short brown hair and big eyes. LIZ is brave, and her outspoken behavior may sometimes appear vulgar. Arrogant and not very good-tempered.
LORRAINE (French) For most people, LORRAINE is a middle-aged beauty with curly hair, a strong woman, steady, and quiet. Some people think that LORRAINE is a bit frivolous, an interesting woman, and her temper may be bad. not good.
LUCIA means the same as Lucy "bright". People think Lucia is a very interesting country girl, lively, funny, noisy and cute.
LUCY comes from the Latin word Lux, meaning "light". People think that LUCY is an interesting country girl, lively, cute, funny and eye-catching.
LUCINE In Latin mythology, there is a Roman goddess who is responsible for giving the first light to children when they are born, so LUCINEU means enlightenment and illumination.
LULU is the same as LOUISE, LUELLA. People describe LULU as a family-oriented, conservative woman, silly, impetuous, plump and sweet.
LYNN (Old English) A waterfall, or pool. It is the abbreviation of names containing "lin", "line", "lyn" and other words. Lynn is described as a tall, slender, healthy young girl with an independent and friendly personality.