What is the history of ostriches? Did ostriches fly before?

Ostrich (Latin name: Struthiocamelus), small animals of Ostrich family, low-risk population of IUCN. Its birds can reach 2.5 meters, and the weight of male ostrich can reach 150 kg. A slender neck like a snake supports a small head with a short flat triangular mouth, which consists of a wind-fixed epidermal sheath. The keel technology is underdeveloped and it is impossible to sail. There are nails about 7 cm long on each big toe of both feet, and the hind legs are thick and suitable for running around. It is spread all over the subcontinent and North Africa, living in Gobi, grassland and bushes.

African ostrich is the only kind of ostrich, which also means walking poultry. At first, ostriches appeared at least in Europe, from the last world to the next continent. There are many kinds of them. In China, there are also animal fossils such as Angkor, ostrich, Mongolian ostrich, etc. They may have migrated to Africa during the Pleistocene, but in the19th century, there was only one African ostrich left. In the mid-20th century, the extinction of African ostriches living in Arabian Peninsula also represented the complete extinction of these small animals in Asia and became real African ostriches. In fact, due to a large number of people hunting, the population living in Africa is decreasing, especially in North Africa, where most areas are on the verge of extinction.

The ancestor of ostrich is also a kind of bird. How it became what it is today is closely related to its living environment. Ostrich is a primitive remnant bird, which means that in the vast grassland and Gobi natural environment, small animals slowly develop in a high and friendly direction. In addition, the navigation ability gradually weakened until it disappeared. The flying ability of African ostrich is amazing. Its toes droop because it is suitable for flying. It is the only bird in the world with only two toes. Its outer toes are very small and its inner toes are particularly developed. Its bounce can be turned over 2.5 meters, and the final sprint speed is above 70 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the thick legs of African ostriches or key defensive weapons and equipment may even lead to the death of lions and leopards.

In ancient times, Guo's was a tribute bird in the country of interest. Goose has camel's hoof, light color, looks up seven or eight feet high, spreads its wings and eats wheat seeds and eggs like an urn. Its name is Uncle Tang Tuhuoluo, an ostrich, and Tuhuoluo, a preacher. During the Yongzheng period, he presented a big sculpture, seven feet high, black and gray, all elephants flapping their wings and traveling for 300 miles a day, commonly known as ostrich.

Ostriches are generally distributed in dry areas of Africa with little precipitation. In Neogene, ostriches were generally distributed in continental Europe. In Zhoukoudian, the famous birthplace of Shanghainese in China, they found not only ostrich egg fossils, but also kneecaps. It was once distributed in Africa, Yemen and Arabian Peninsula in modern times, but now the ostriches in Yemen and Arabian Peninsula have become extinct. They are distributed south of the Andes until all African countries. Australia introduced them in 1862- 1869 and created new habitats in the southeast. African ostriches are about 183-300 cm long, 240-280 cm tall and weigh 130- 150 kg. The female is a little smaller. The appearance is very unique. The slender neck has a small head like a snake and a short, flat triangular mouth made up of wind-fixed cuticle. The upper mouth is stained with light yellow, the lower mouth is padded with light pink, and the eyes are as dark brown as frog eyes. They can not only be exposed for a long time, but also be displayed. They won't be exposed, they won't be exposed, and they won't be exposed for long.

Adult males have obvious black and white feathers, white wing feathers and tail, and gray-blue or rose-red fine feathers on the head and neck. Most males also have a circle of black hair on the bare outer edge of the head and neck, and the scales on the outer edges of the upper legs and the back of the two toes are rosy. Male birds are bigger than female birds, and the feathers of adult female birds are mostly dark brown, and their mouths and legs are not rosy. The female bird has slightly smaller feathers. The young bird's feathers are prickly light yellow soft toothbrush with gray-black hair top and gray-black spots on the head and neck. Three months have passed, and feathers need to be removed and changed many times. The color of male feathers will not gradually appear until 1 1 month. The young bird's feathers are prickly light yellow soft toothbrush with gray-black hair top and gray-black spots on the head and neck. Three months have passed, and feathers need to be removed and changed many times. The color of male feathers will not gradually appear until 1 1 month.

There are only two toes left, namely the third toe and the fourth toe. Birds have at least one toe. The third toe is strong with claws, and the fourth toe is small without claws. There are no small hooks on the feather branches, so the whole body feathers are soft and thick. Male and female birds have different feather colors. The male bird's feathers are mainly gray-black, and there are long milky white feathers at the top and end of its wings. The head and neck are bright red or bright dark blue, covered with dark brown down feathers, and the female feathers are dark brown.

The feathers on the wings are obviously different from the hard wings of other sailbirds. They are insulated. It has front paws on it. Strong legs have no feathers, stand up with two toes, as big as hooves. It is an ostrich's unique adaptability. In order to better adapt to sudden risks, it runs very fast. Ostrich's big eyes, thick eyelashes, are larger eyes of terrestrial microorganisms, and only whale's eyes are higher. Ostriches have good eyesight. One eye weighs about 60 grams and can recognize objects at a distance of 3-5 kilometers. Its instantaneous membrane (the third upper eyelid) can block sand and protect vision.

Ostrich is the largest and most important bird in the world, with a resting weight of 135Kg, a body length of 2 meters and a height of about 2.5 meters. Ostriches have strong hind legs and are good at running around. It has wings, but it cannot fly. Some biologists believe that ostriches can fly like other birds thousands of years ago, but it is difficult to fly quickly because of its huge human body. Later, its wings declined and it could not fly.