I want to change my name to Spanish. But I want to know the precise pronunciation. The three names are Esmeralda, Esperanza, and Estrella.

Esmeralda, pronounced: eismei'lalda (rough phonetic symbol: eismei'lalda), Chinese meaning: emerald, emerald

Esperanza, pronounced: eismei'lalda (Approximate phonetic symbol: eis't?leiia), Chinese meaning: hope

Estrella, pronunciation: eis't?leiia (approximate phonetic symbol: eis't?leiia), Chinese meaning: star, star, destiny


If you don’t speak Spanish, it’s better not to name someone with r in the name, because the r in Spanish is different from the r in English. If it is in the middle, there will be a slight vibrato, which is a bit awkward if you read it faster. It sounds like l, but definitely different. If it is placed at the beginning and end, it will have a vibrato, so it is more difficult to pronounce. It is better to give it a different name. I think cándida means innocent (pronounced g?ndida). Or Talia (ta'lia), or susana (Susana), both are good.