Taro filling: 200g taro, 50g purple sweet potato, 8g milk powder, 8g whipping cream, 50g fine sugar, 15g butter, 10g (it’s still delicious without adding it)
Method: Steam the taro and purple sweet potato until they can be easily poked with chopsticks. While hot, put the steamed taro and purple sweet potato with butter, fine sugar, milk powder and light cream into a food processor and puree them
Cake body: 5 eggs, 60g of milk, 40g of corn oil, 40g of cake flour, 60g of granulated sugar, 45g of salt, 1g of lemon juice, appropriate amount
Ice cheese: 150g of light cream, 50g of cream cheese, 12g of granulated sugar
1. Separate the egg whites and egg yolks, beat the milk and corn oil evenly into an emulsified state, sift in the low flour, stir evenly, add the egg yolks and stir evenly in a z-shape and set aside.
2 At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites and start to beat. Add 45g of fine sugar in 3 batches and beat; add 1/3 of the fine sugar to make large fish-eye bubbles. Beat until fine and small bubbles. Add 1/3 of the fine sugar. Add the remaining fine sugar to make fine texture. Beat until it reaches neutral peaks. Lift up the egg beater and use the large curved hook.
3 Add one-third of the whipped meringue into the egg yolk batter and mix evenly, then pour it back into the remaining meringue and mix evenly, pour it into the baking pan, level the cake batter, and place Bake in K55 oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes (adjust according to your own oven temperature and time).
4 Soften the cream cheese at room temperature and beat until smooth. Pour in the light cream and sugar and continue to beat until smooth.
5 After baking the cake, use a round mold to press out a round cake piece, squeeze on a layer of iced cheese, then squeeze a layer of taro paste, cover it with a piece of cake, spread cheese around it, and spread it all over. Just milk powder.