I like this program because it can tell us some scientific knowledge that I don't know. Help everyone solve some strange things; Weird; A thorny problem. For example, once, in the herd of a professional cattle farmer, a cow laid a "cow egg". Everyone in the village was surprised: "Can cows still lay eggs?" Only later, they found the working group of "going into science" and let them know about it. After the "cow egg" was opened, the staff knew that it was not a "cow egg" at all! Because it's full of hair! The reason why it's all fur is because this cow has a strange disease called pica, so she keeps adding her fur and putting it all into her stomach. Then why don't you produce wool and eggs? This is because there are some protein in the intestines of cattle. When the hair passed by, protein stuck to it, and then it became an eggshell. The problem was solved in this way.
Ah! There are endless strange things and endless knowledge in the program "Into Science". These are things that my friends usually don't know. What I know is just the tip of the iceberg.
This is my favorite "Into Science". He is like an all-knowing and all-powerful teacher, helping everyone solve some strange things. Weird; A thorny problem. And tell us a lot of knowledge that we don't know in the question.
I just like a program-going into science.
I hope it can be adopted. Thank you.