Android is a free and open source operating system based on Linux kernel (excluding GNU components). Mainly used in mobile devices, such as smart phones and tablets, led and developed by Google and open handset alliance. Android operating system was originally developed by andy rubin, which mainly supports mobile phones. Come and open it. For nsa files on Android phones, you need to download the ONS emulator, then download the game transplant package that has been made for ONS, create a new folder named ONS on the SD card, decompress the game package into the ONS folder, and run the ONS emulator on Android phones, and you will see the games that have just been put into the ONS folder. Select Start.
The word Android originally meant robot, and it was also the name of an open source mobile phone operating system based on Linux platform announced by Google on June 5, 2007. The platform consists of operating system, middleware, user interface and application software. The word Android first appeared in the science fiction novel Future Eve (L? Ve future). He named this machine that looks like a human a robot.
The Logo of Android was designed by Ascender Company and was born on 20 10. Its design was inspired by the graphic symbols on the men's and women's toilet doors, so Brock drew a simple robot with a trunk like a tin can and two antennas on its head, so the Android robot was born. The characters in it use the font named Droid specially produced by Ascender Company. Android is a robot with a green body, and green is also the symbol of Android. Colors are drawn in RGB by PMS 376C and hexadecimal #A4C639, which is the brand logo of Android operating system. Sometimes, they also use plain text signs.