He didn't understand two beggars, "No! Are we always like this?" When the emperor heard it, OK! What I said was in vain. He's always like this. "Now we are mixed up. Did you see that we put an extra iron chain on it?" This one is locked. The emperor took advantage of the topic and threatened the county magistrate: "You stupid thing, how dare you! Why did you lock the person who made me the 'Pearl Jade White Jade Soup'? Ah? This is unreasonable! Come on, push him out and kill him!" That’s it.
The county magistrate was kneeling there, good guy, kowtowing like a chicken rushing to break rice, and trembling like a tiger eating the grease from a tobacco bag. Shivering. The two beggars looked at the magistrate and were delighted! The two beggars looked at each other and said: "Ouch, hey, hey, this is interesting, don't kill him! This is a toy! Ah, long live! For the sake of both of us, let him die, because I will do it for you "Pearl Jade White Jade Soup", there are not enough people, and we need a boy to buy ingredients." The emperor heard this and said, "Okay! Go buy ingredients!" The county magistrate has become a boy.
Three hundred taels of silver were allocated in the treasury, and an imperial dining room was set up. Within three days, 200 portions of "Pearl Jade White Jade Soup" could be made. Why do so much? Your Majesty, we are going to have a big banquet for all the ministers. That means - I can't eat the good food alone, everyone has to taste it.
When the three people arrived at the imperial dining room, the county magistrate knelt down in front of the two beggars, "Thank you two old ladies for saving your life!" "No thanks!" "Can you buy something?" Yes, you two old ladies give your orders!" "You buy this, one hundred catties of spinach, two hundred catties of cabbage, three hundred pieces of tofu, four hundred catties of brown rice, two buckets of mixed vegetables, and four ladles of brush water. , Go!" What did the county magistrate want to do when he heard this? "Two old ladies, how do you buy this?" "Don't talk nonsense. You can buy whatever you are asked to buy. If something is missing, the soup will not be to the emperor's taste. Let me ask you!" "Hey, yes! Buy it." p>
It took me a long time to buy it back. "Two old ladies, we have bought everything. As for the two buckets of miscellaneous vegetables and vegetables, we don't have them. Because we can't use the ones from outside, we have to use the ones from the dining room. It's in our imperial dining room, the master said. "One bucket of vegetables and vegetables came out one day," the two beggars said, "Oh? I'm afraid one bucket won't be enough for the emperor." "Don't ask!" No!" "No?" "No, the chef said that there are several buckets, because they are not from the same day, and they cannot be used. Listen, "Oh, it's from the first few days? Hey, that's good! The emperor will eat it before it tastes good! I want that! Both barrels must be from the first few days!" "Hey, hey!"
Since there were not enough people, we borrowed two chefs from the imperial kitchen and brought miscellaneous dishes.
Although I have never drank it, I heard it from my father, who heard it from Prime Minister Xu Da. According to Prime Minister Xu Da, this ‘Pearl Jade White Jade Soup’ is no small matter! It is said that it contains the taste of pearls, sea food, phoenix liver and dragon marrow. It is really a rare treasure in the world. It has been steamed and refined for a long time to make this soup. Today, we have received the emperor's favor and tasted it for ourselves. Hey, we really have a lot of virtues. "Don't you think this is bad luck? He has never smelled the smell of pot water and stinky tofu. They complimented each other.
The two beggars came out and looked: Yo ho! Come all. There are still a lot of people, and the emperor is coming soon. "Deng, Deng" ran to the dining room, "Hey! The royal banquet begins immediately. Make it quickly and heat it up! "Twice hot?" Old Master, what are you putting aside first? "Whatever!" Come. With a "click", the cabbage gangzi and spinach leaves were put inside first. "Come on, let's make rice, vegetables, and tofu soaked in water!" "Boom", it's all folded inside! "Hurry up and light the fire, hurry up and light the fire!" "After a while, the soup is boiling! Isn't the soup also boiling? There is no room for people in that room! It smells sour and sour! It smells like a brain smoke. The three people slipped out. After a while, the two of them The beggar also went out - they both couldn't bear it anymore. "Oh, how's it going? Let me see, the emperor is out! Hey Sheng! end! "Shouting "Sheng", "Duan"! Hey, more than twenty little eunuchs lined up in a long snake formation, each holding a red plate with gold and vermilion paint in their hands. On the plate was placed such a large official kiln custom-made dish. The little eunuch brought the soup to the table. The little eunuch brought the soup up. Tang, everyone was whispering to each other, "Brother Nian, there are no rules as big as those in the palace! Look at the little eunuchs serving soup. Look at how well-behaved they are. They don’t even dare to look at the soup. Look at that, don’t they all have their bodies turned to one side or their faces slanted? "How about the little eunuch serving soup? He didn't dare to look at it, he couldn't stand the taste. Isn't that the case?
Bring the soup up, the first bowl of course Give it to the emperor first. Put it on the emperor's table. The emperor seemed a little disgusted when he smelled it. Why did this soup taste like this? I drank it in the small temple. Why does it taste like this? I was stunned. Then I looked at the civil and military officials, the emperor and his relatives, all of them frowned and looked at the bowl of soup in a daze, and hid behind the emperor. What are you thinking about? I thought: This soup really doesn’t taste good. It doesn’t taste good, but it tastes bad. Is there anything I can’t do about it? Ah, I am the emperor, I said this soup is good, I asked someone to make it. How can I not drink it? Then I must drink it. Not only do I drink it, but everyone has to drink it. Of course I have to drink it.
The civil and military officials are in a daze. That's not the case now. That means: Even the emperor can't drink this soup. You see, these two people who made the soup must be cut into pieces.
The emperor was annoyed when he saw them. The emperor looked at them and said, "Okay! If you cooperate with me, you can't bear this kind of sin?" What are you doing? Wait for me. Come on, let’s stand together. **Drink 'Pearl Jade White Jade Soup'. "After saying this, he picked up the small bowl, held his breath and drank the small bowl of soup. He put the empty bowl there and sat down.
The civil and military officials took a look. But he was frightened. “Brother Nian, the emperor drank. What should we do? "Then what else to do?" Let’s pour it all down together! "They all picked up the bowl of soup. When I put it to my nose, I almost vomited. What should I do? Don't bring it to your mouth, but send it far away. If you send it far away, you still have to find the words in your mouth." Brother Nian please! "This said; "Nonsense! I’ll just ask you not to drink it! Don't talk nonsense, let's drink together! "No matter what you say, after holding your breath, I finally drank the small bowl of soup and put the empty bowl there.
When the emperor saw it, all the civil and military officials drank. The emperor was so happy! He stood up and asked: "Dear ladies, how do you like the 'Pearl Jade White Jade Soup' that I asked someone to make?" Upon hearing this, the civil and military officials stood up and stretched out their fingers, giving each other a thumbs up. I started to pick it up, but didn't say anything. Why didn't you say it? He still had a mouthful in his mouth.
The emperor saw it and understood! The emperor said: "Ah, my dear friends, please wait for everyone to be silent and stretch out their fingers. I already understand what you are waiting for - you want two more big bowls for each of you!"