A famous knight in history

Dion de Beaumont, 1

He is called Knight Dion (1728-18 10). In the first 49 years of his career, he lived as a man, and in the last 33 years, he lived as a woman. He is a famous gender disputator in the history of the world, and also a spy and fencing master like God.

The name of the baptism is Charles-Jean Vieuf-Louis-August-Andre-Timothy &; Eacute, easy to remember, generally uses the abbreviation of Charles d'Eon de Beaumont as Charlie? Dion? De? Beaumont

2. Hugo de Payne

Hugo de Payne (about 1070- 1 136) is an important figure in the history of the Crusades. He is the co-founder and the first master of the Knights Templar. The historical details of his early life are not clear, but this French aristocrat may have participated in the first Crusade, and European Christian troops occupied Jerusalem.

As more and more Christians make pilgrimages to the holy city, they often find themselves attacked on the way. Therefore, in about 1 1 18, de Paynes and his eight knights sought permission from King Baldwin II of Jerusalem to establish protection services for pilgrims. The Knights Templar was supported by Christian authorities, including Pope Pope Innocent II.

3. ogier

In medieval works, ogier often appeared as one of the twelve knights of Charlemagne. But in the most popular Song of Roland, ogier was not one of the twelve knights of Charlemagne, nor was he killed in the battle of the Pyrenees. Instead, he took part in the revenge war against the Saxons with Charlemagne, and finally went to Avalon Island under the guidance of the goddess Morgana, becoming the lover of Morgan Lefeby.

4. william marshal

Marshal William (A.D.1146-1219) was the fourth son of a little aristocrat and later became one of the most respected knights in English history. In his early knight career, he participated in simulated fighting competitions in which hundreds or even thousands of soldiers participated. He went from tour to tour, became famous all the way, and made a fortune by winning bonuses.

He later worked for five English kings and married the heiress Isabel de Clare, becoming one of the richest men in Britain. Prince William helped King John negotiate with his nobles and finally signed the Magna Carta in 12 15.

12 16, King John died, 9-year-old Henry III ascended the throne, and William became the regent of England. Although he was about 70 years old at that time, the next year he led the young king's army to defeat the French army and the rebellious nobles.

5.knight bayar

Knight of Bayar (1473- 1524) was originally named Pierre Taylor, and also translated as Bill Bayar. In the Middle Ages, a famous French soldier was famous for his knight Beal. Even after centuries, he is still regarded as an impeccable fearless knight.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Dion de Beaumont

Baidu Encyclopedia-Hugo de Payne

Baidu Encyclopedia-ogier

Baidu Encyclopedia-Marshal William

Baidu Encyclopedia-Bayar Knight