How to enter a Chinese name in The Elder Scrolls 5


1. Use the system’s built-in “Notepad” to open the game root directory \Data\Interface\translate_english.txt

2. In the file Add a line of characters at the end: $rename (space) the Chinese name of the character you want

3. Save and exit

Note: The space between $rename and the Chinese name of the character cannot be used by yourself Type it with the keyboard. You must copy and paste the length of the space between "$[NEWSAVE]?[New Archive]" above. The specific operation is:

The final result (Tanya is the Example):

4. In the game, enter the name $rename, and it will be displayed as "Tanya".

"The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim" is the latest game in the action role-playing game series "The Elder Scrolls", developed and produced by Bethesda. This game is set 200 years after "The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion". Players will play the role of the heroic Dragonborn with a human body and dragon soul, and embark on a journey to drive the evil dragon Alduin to the end of time.

Reference materials:

How to choose a Chinese name - The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Remastered + The Elder Scrolls 5