What do the four folders in the registry represent?

windows9x/NT has been launched for a long time, and the word registry should be familiar to everyone. In previous versions of windows, windows applications and windows itself were saved by files with INI extension (such as win.ini,system.ini,control.ini). Although windows9x/NT keeps files such as WIN.INI,SYSTEM.INI ... in order to be compatible with 16-bit codes. But windows9x/NT provides a powerful Register instead of the INI file when running 32-bit code. It should be said that the quality of registry settings directly affects the running status of windows9x/NT. I think you must have encountered a registry crash. At this time, if you haven't backed up before, or don't have the tools and software to restore the registry at hand, then I think you have to reinstall windows. Although the registry is stronger than the INI file, But at the same time, the registry is much more complicated than the INI file in structure. Therefore, maintaining the registry has become a headache for ordinary people. No wonder some people say that the registry is like Lei Gong. If you piss it off, it will make your baby @ # $%&... So it is necessary to analyze it for everyone.

Brief Introduction to the Booklet Table

Registry 1 * * stores all computer configurations including hardware information, operating system information, parameter settings of application programs, etc. It can be called the "housekeeper" of windows9x, and whether Windows 9x can run healthily is guaranteed by the registry. There are two implicit and read-only files, user.dat and system.dat, in the system path of windows. When windows starts, regedit.exe reads the contents of the file to form an internal registry for storing the current contents of the system.

at the same time, there are two files with system, implicit and read-only properties, user.da and system.da, under the system path of windows. They are the backups of the first two files.

there is also a file system.lst with special properties under the root directory of the system, which is a backup of system.dat ..

content analysis

the registry is composed of a lot of fields, keys and values, such as "HKEY _ current _ config \ display \ fonts \ Courier 1,12,15 (vgares) = coure.fon". Where "HKEY _ current _ config \ display \ fonts \" is the field, "Courier 1,12,15 (VGA res)" is the key, and "coure.fon" is the value.

there are six main fields at the root of the registry, which are:


The subsection under this field contains all OLE information and document types registered in the current system. OLE programs or other programs can get information through this field. (Note: OLE means object connection and embedding). This field is of little use to ordinary users, as long as you know it a little, so I won't say much here.


This field contains the configuration information of the currently logged-in user. If your computer is public, the configuration information will change accordingly when different users enter. There are several important subkeys under this field, such as Control Panel, keyboard layout, Network, Software (software registration information on hard disk).


This field is very important, it contains all the hardware information of the computer. It * * * has seven sub-fields:

Config: describes the current monitor and printer information. * * * has a display-display below; Enum— BIOS; Software-software; System-four subsections of the operating system.

Enum: all plug and play devices and the device information listed in the BIOS. Its subsection includes all the equipment information on the backplane, such as ISA slot, PCI slot, AGP slot, etc.

Hardware: lists all hardware interface information, such as COM1 and COM2.

Network: lists the network usage of users.

Security: lists the security status of the system.

Software: it is the place where the installer writes into the registry every time the software is installed, and each sub-segment below it represents a piece of software that has been installed on the hard disk. When uninstalling, the uninstaller will delete the corresponding sub-segment.

System: this section includes all settings of the current system. There are two major items: control and equipment. Note: Because the content of this field is important, don't modify the key value easily, otherwise the system will crash easily.


The content is similar to HKEY_CURRENT_USERS, including the settings of all users on this machine. I won't say much here.


The contents include the configuration information of display font, BIOS, operating system and printer.


This section includes system information in RAM, such as network performance statistics, equipment directory, etc.

when you see this, you will find that some keys in the registry have similar contents. In fact, the contents in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT are copied from HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ classes. The contents of HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG are copied from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Config. The content of HKEY_CURRENT_USER is copied from HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT. The main reason is that the system accesses these items frequently, so the system copies them and makes them short-path fields for the system to access quickly.

well, I'll introduce the general structure of the registry here. I think everyone has a certain understanding of the registry. Then it is time to explain how to modify it to produce some special effects.

modifying the note book table

generally speaking, there are two ways to modify the registry: one is to use Regedit.exe. This thing is a tool attached to windows to watch, modify and register. Another method is to use special software to modify the registry, such as WinHacker. Here we mainly introduce using Regedit to modify the registry. Remind everyone to back up the registry before modifying it, just in case anything happens. Are you ready? Start now!

1. Hide the software, hard disk and CD-ROM

Do you want to hide your precious software, hard disk and CD-ROM so as not to let others touch it? Please open it as follows: HKEY _ current _ user \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ currentversion \ policies \ Explorer. If you don't find NoDrives on the right, right-click the blank on the right and select "New" to name NoDrives. Then add up all the drive letters to be hidden, a is 1, b is 2, and so on. Then it becomes hexadecimal, with the low bit in front and the high bit in the back. To hide disks A, B and C, please type: 7

2. CD player

The CD player of Windows 9x has the function of automatic playback, which is sometimes very convenient, but sometimes this function is quite troublesome, so just turn it off. Open the HKEY _ classes _ root \ audiocd \ shell key. If the Default value is play, it means yes, and if there is no content, it meansno..

3. Display the menu faster

Although the default menu display speed of WINDOWS 95 is suitable, there will always be people who think it is slow. How can you "show" the speed of your chip if you are not fast? Open \ HKEY-current-user \ controlpanel \ desktop, and change the number of MenuShowDelay to adjust the speed. The range is 1-2, and the default value is 4. The smaller the number, the faster it will be. If it is changed to 65535, it means that the key will be pressed before it is displayed. The modification will not take effect until it is restarted.

4. Clean up the character information left after visiting My Network Neighborhood

When a user using a local area network visits My Network Neighborhood, the registry will record a series of command and operation information (including the name of the accessed machine, the accessed application and the file name, etc.) in the heky _ current _ user/network/recent primary key. For example, the Recent primary key contains a sub-primary key item named "ierl_server\software". This subkey records that you have visited the "software" folder in the server named "ierl_server". To clean up this kind of information, you can open the branch of Heky _ current _ user/network/Recent in the registry editor, and then delete all the subitems under recent.

5. Restrict users from modifying the desktop

We know that desktop settings, such as wallpaper background and icon display mode, can be easily modified by using the Display Properties dialog box. In order to prevent others from changing these settings, we can modify the registry as follows: Open HKEY _ Users \ Default \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Policies \ Explorer. Double-click No Save Setting, and then change its key value from to 1. If you only want to restrict your desktop from being modified on a public machine, regardless of whether other users' desktop settings have been modified, you can go to HKEY _ current _ user \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current version \ policies \ Explorer branch, and then perform the above operation steps.

6. Modify the icon

Do you think the icon in the window is a little uniform? Why not change it: enter the branch of \ HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ classes \ clsid \ {2d4fe-3aea-169-A2D8-82b339d} and modify the default key value under DefaultIcon, such as "C: \ Windows \ My Computer".

7. Change the opening mode of My Computer

We know that after double-clicking My Computer, you can enter by default, but we can enter \ HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ classes \ CLSID \ {2D4FE-3AEA-169-A2D8-88. Create a new primary key Open under the shell, then create a primary key command under the Open, and modify the default key value to "Explorer.exe", then you can open "My Computer" with the resource manager. If the default key value is changed to "WinFile.exe", you can open "My Computer" with the file manager. If you want to use other programs to open "My Computer", just enter the executable file names of other file management software in the above way.

8. Blank desktop

You should be mentally prepared when you modify this item. If it doesn't work well, it will surprise you. Open HKEY _ current _ user \ sortware \ Microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ policies \ explorer, no desktop. Pay attention to the comma in front of NoDesktop. Let's first agree that the key name given here ends with a period. If there is a comma in the middle, the comma is to the left of REGEDIT, that is, the "directory area", and the comma is followed by the variable to the right of REGEDIT, that is, the "file area". Modifying NoDesktop to 1 means it takes effect, that is, there is no desktop, and is the opposite. The Chinese version of WINDOWS doesn't have the variable of NoDesktop, so you have to create it yourself. Select the DWORD in "New", then enter NoDesktop, double-click it as mentioned above and modify the value.

9. Computers that can't be stopped

If you want to play a joke on your friends, you can use the following command to disable "Shut down the system" under the Start menu. In this way, you can only turn off the machine by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del or Reset. Open HKEY-current-user \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ currentversion \ po-licies \ Explorer, noclose. Modifying NoClose to 1 means taking effect, while means the opposite.

1. Automatic refresh