V(Victory)-celebrate your success, Even a small
X(X factor is prime factor)-tap the potential of yourself and others
Q(Quiet peace)-always find a quiet time or place to reflect on yourself
Hero: H(Happiness)-be satisfied with life and what you have done
E(Empathy)-stand. To think of each other
R(Respect)-respect others, Respect yourself
O(Openness and civilization)-open your mind to accept new things
u-know: u (unity of unitu)-live in harmony with people around you
K(Knowledge)-keep learning
n (kindness)-keep a kind heart even for strangers
O(Openness and Civilization)-Open your mind to accept new things
W(Wait)-Wait patiently for the arrival and appearance of good luck
Max: M(Motivation)-constantly motivate yourself, Realize self-transcendence
A(Acknowledging gratitude)-always be grateful for people or things
X(X factor is unknown factor)-tap the potential of yourself and others
Mickey: m (motivation motivation)-constantly motivate yourself, Self-transcendence
I(Imagination Imagination)-Pursuing dreams on the wings of imagination
C(Confudence Confidence)-Always having confidence in yourself and your life
K (Knowledge)-Constantly learning
Y(Yes Agree)-Being good at listening to others' correct opinions or suggestions.
Xiah: X(X factor is unknown factor)-tap the potential of yourself and others
I(Imagination)-ride the wings of imagination to pursue dreams
a (acknowledgement)-always be grateful to people or things
H(Happiness)-for life and what you do.