The function of LINEST is to calculate the linear equation that best fits the known data by least square method, and return the array describing this linear model. Because the value returned by this function is an array, it must be entered as an array formula.
The function formula is
= LINEST (known y value, known x value, constant, statistical value)
The following example illustrates the application of the LINEST function.
1. unary linear regression analysis
LINEST function can be used for univariate linear regression analysis, multivariate linear regression analysis and autoregressive analysis of time series.
When there is only one independent variable X (i.e. linear regression analysis), the slope, intercept value and correlation coefficient of the Y axis can be directly obtained by the following formula:
Slope: INDEX(LINEST(known_y's,known _ x's), 1, 1); Or index (LINEST (known _ y's, known _ x's), 1).
intercept:INDEX(LINEST(known _ y ' s,known _ x's), 1,2); Or index (LINEST (known _ y, known _ x), 2)
Correlation coefficient: index (LINEST (known _ y's, known _ x's, true, true), 3, 1).
Example 4- 1 The total cost, labor hours and machine hours of an enterprise from June to September are shown in Figure 4- 1. Assuming that there is a linear relationship between total cost and working hours, insert the formula "= index (LINEST (B2: B 10, D2: d10,2)" in cell B 14, and insert the formula "= index (LINEST)" in cell B 14. 1) ",insert the formula" = index (LINEST (B2: B 10, D2: D 10, true, true), 3, 1) "in cell B 15, that is, the total cost.
Figure 4- 1 unary linear regression analysis
2. Multiple linear regression analysis
Still taking the data of Example 4- 1 as an example, first select the cell range A 17:D2 1, and then enter the formula "= linear (B2: b10, C2: D 10, true, true" in the form of an array formula.
Figure 4-2 Binary Linear Regression Analysis
Regression equation: y = 471.4366+3.6165x1+3.4323x2.
Correlation coefficient: R2 =0.9990.
Standard deviation: Sey = 1 1.7792.
4.3.2 Log test function
The function of LOGEST is to calculate the exponential regression fitting curve that best fits the observed data set in regression analysis, and return the array describing the exponential model. Because this function returns an array, it must be entered as an array formula.
The formula of the LOGEST function is
= LOGEST (known y value, known x value, constant, statistical value)
Example 4-2 The relevant data of output (X) and production cost (Y) of a product of an enterprise1February are shown in Figure 4-3. Suppose there is the following relationship between them. Select the cell range B 15:C 18, and enter the formula "= logest (C2: c 13, B2: b 13, true, true)" (as shown in Figure 4-3, the parameters are entered).
Figure 4-3 Exponential Regression
The coefficient and correlation coefficient of regression equation can also be directly calculated by the following formula.
Parameter m: index (logest (C2: c 13, B2: b 13), 1) = 0.8887.
Parameter b: index (Logest (C2: C 13, B2: B 13), 1, 2) = 179 1.7729.
Correlation coefficient R2: = index (logest (C2: C 13, B2: B 13, true, true), 3 1)= 0.95885.
Trend function
The function of the TREND function is to return the ordinate values (y values) of a set of linear regression fitted straight lines, that is, to find the straight lines suitable for the given arrays known_y's and known_x's (by least square method) and return the y values corresponding to the values of the specified array new_x on the straight lines.
The formula of the trend function is
= trend (known y value, known x value, new x value, constant)
Where new _ x' s- you need the function TREND to return a new x value corresponding to the y value. New_x is the same as known_x, and each independent variable must be a separate row (or column). Therefore, if known_y is a single column, the number of columns of known_x and new_x should be the same; If known_y is a single column, known_x and new_x should have the same number of rows. If new_x is omitted, it is assumed to be the same as known _ x.
Example 4-3 The sales of an enterprise in the past year are as follows: {300,356,374,465,438+00,453,487,5065,438+0,534,572,626,5438+0,650,670}. Then the sales forecast steps for next year 1, February and March are as follows: select the cell area B 1:B3, and enter the formula "= trend (A 1: A 12, {13; 14; 15}) (input by array formula), that is, the sales in the coming year 1, February and March are 7 10, 743 and 777 respectively. This formula defaults to {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 1 1; 12} as the parameter of known_x, so the array {13; 14; 15} corresponds to the following three months.
Growth function
The GROWTH function is used to return the exponential growth value predicted by the given data. Based on the known values of x and y, the GROWTH function returns a set of new values of y corresponding to x. You can use the GROWTH worksheet function to fit an exponential curve that satisfies the given x and y values.
The formula of the growth function is
= GROWTH (known y value, known x value, new x value, constant)
Where the meaning of each parameter is the same as that of the trend function. However, it should be noted that if any number in known_y is zero or negative, the function GROWTH will return the error value #NUM! .
Example 4-4 Take the data of Example 4-3 as an example, and use the growth function to forecast the sales volume of the next year 1, February and March. The prediction steps are as follows: select the cell range B 1:B3, and enter the formula "= growth (A 1: A 12, {13; 14; 15}) (input by array formula), that is, the sales in the coming year 1, February and March are 756, 81and 870 respectively. This formula also defaults to {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 1 1; 12} as the parameter of known_x, so the array {13; 14; 15} corresponds to the next three months.
4.3.5 Prediction function
The function of prediction function is to calculate or predict the future value according to the given data. The predicted value is a y value derived from a series of known x values. Given the x value and y value in the form of an array or data area, returns the linear regression prediction value based on x. The formula of the prediction function is a+bx.
Among them,; .
The formula of the prediction function is
= FORECAST(x, known y, known x)
Where x refers to the data point to be predicted.
It should be pointed out that:
If x is not a number, the function FORECAST returns the error value #VALUE! .
If known_y and known_x are empty or contain different numbers of data points, the function FORECAST will return the error value # n/a.
If the variance of known_x is zero, the function FORECAST returns the error value #DIV/0! .
For example: forecast (30, {6, 7, 9, 15, 2 1}, {20, 28, 3 1, 38, 40}) = 10.60725.
slope function
The function of SLOPE is to return the slope of the linear regression line fitted according to the data points in known_y and known _ x ... Slope is the ratio of the vertical distance to the horizontal distance of any two points on a straight line, and it is the rate of change of the regression line.
The formula of the slope function is
= slope (known y value, known x value)
Description: Parameters can be numbers, names, arrays or references involving numbers. If an array or reference parameter contains text, logical values, or blank cells, these values are ignored. However, cells containing zero values will be counted. If known_y and known_x are empty or their data points are different, the function SLOPE returns the error value # n/a.
For example: slope ({2,3,9, 1, 8,7,5}, {6,5, 1 1, 7,5,4}) = 0.305556.
Interception function
The function of intercept function is to calculate the intercept of straight line and y axis by using the known x value and y value. Intercept is the intersection of the linear regression line passing through the data points of known X and known Y and the Y axis.
The formula is
= Intercept (known y value, known x value)
For example, intercept ({2, 3, 9, 1, 8}, {6, 5, 1 1, 7, 5}) = 0.0487 1.
Application example of Excel function: sales forecast
Assuming that the daily sales of a supermarket from Monday to Sunday are 13, 17, 16, 15, 19, 2 1 and 22 (ten thousand yuan) respectively, the general manager needs to predict the highest and lowest daily sales for the next week. The following predictions can be made:
(1) function decomposition
The TREND function returns the value of the linear regression fitting line. That is, find a straight line suitable for the known arrays known_y's and known_x's (by least square method), and return the Y value corresponding to the specified array new_x's on the straight line.
Syntax: trends (known, known, new, constant)
Known_y's is a set of known y values in the relational expression y=mx+b; Known_x's is a set of known optional x values in the relational expression y=mx+b; New_x returns the new x value corresponding to the y value of the required function trend; Const is a logical value that specifies whether the constant b is forced to be set to 0.
(2) Case study
First, open a blank worksheet, enter "Daily Sales" in cell A 1, and then enter the above data into cells A2, A3 to A8 in turn. Then select the area from B2 to B8, enter the formula "=TREND(A2:A8)" in the edit field of Excel, and press enter to get seven results of the area from B2 to B8, among which the highest sales amount is 2 1.64 million yuan, and the lowest sales amount is 1.35 million yuan.
Trend function, like Coulter function, can be used to predict the peak and trough of students' enrollment in education statistics and the peak and trough of passenger flow in railway transportation.