Alistar, cow head chief, brute force giant Alista, old Alista cow, chief, mummified Amumu of cow head Ali
Amumu, Mummy Mummy of Amum
Anivia Ice Crystal Phoenix Anivia Phoenix, Ice Bird, Egg-laying Bird
Annie's daughter of darkness, Annie's fire method, loli
Ashe snow pea Ash, Ash Ice Bow, Love shooting
Blitzcrank steam iron man, steam robot brits, brits Clark robot, Iron man Blitz
Caitlyn Pieterwoff Sheriff Caitlyn Policewoman Cait
Cassiopeia Snake Embrace Cassiopeia Snake Lady, Medusa Cass
Cho'Gath Void Fear, Void Fear of Demons' Gass, Chuo' gus bug
Corki grenadier warrior, heroic bomber Kuchi, Kuchi plane
Dr.Mundo of Dr. Mundo the Madman of Zaun, Mondo knife-flying man, strange uncle Mun
Evelynn widow maker, fierce man nemesis Evelyn, Evelyn, a macho man, Eve
Ezreal, the prodigal son Izriel, Ezriel, Ez
Fiddlesticks, Doom, the omen of doom, harbinger of doom, Fidd
the scarecrow of Fei Desti, the mourning of the Galileo sentry, Sentinel's sorrow
Gangplank sea disaster in Gargoyle, Gariod, pirates in plank, captain GP
Garen Garen, the power of Debon Galen Lunge, wheel brother
Gragas mob fan, barrel Gragas, Gulagus barrel, winemaker
Heimerdinger invented the will of Heimerdinger's big head Heim
Irelia sword, Arieia sword fairy, female sword IREA
Janna storm goddess, Janna of the wrath of the storm, Jaina, JAX weapon master, Grandmaster at Arms Jax, Jax p>Karthus, calcas Dead Song, Lich, Kasdin Void Walker Casadin Casa, JB face Kass
Katarina unknown blade Katerina
Kayle The Judicator Kyle, Archangel Kelly, angel
Kennen storm heart, storm heart Kennan ninja, cat forbearance, cat forbearance, The electric cat Ken
Kog'Maw's mouth, Keg' Ma's mouth Kog
LeBlanc's cunning enchantress LeBlanc, LeBlanca, Le Fulan's female liar, and Lex, a deceitful Leb
Lux brilliant girl, Lux light method
Malphite Lava beast, giant rock fragment Mo Feite, Malph
Malzahar void prophet Marzaha, Prince Marzaha Bos, Malz
Master Yi infinite swordsman, Master Yi yi, master yi, big wet yi, E
Miss Fortune bounty hunter, bounty hunter, bad luck girl, good luck sister, female gun, female pirate MF
Mordekasier metal master Maud Caesar, Maud Caesar metal, Ironman
Morgana Degenerate Angel, fallen angels Morgana, Black Angel of Morgana, Prune Morg
Death in Nasus Desert, Curator of Sand Ness Sand King, Curator, Dog Head, Death
Nidalee Nidalee the Bestial Huntress, Nidalee, a wild hunter, Daili, Nida, a leopard
Nunu Snowman Knight, Nunu Snowman Rider
Olaf Berserker, Olaf Berserker, a berserker
Pantheon Lord of War, Battlefield master Pan
Pppy of Sparta, Pan Sen, steel envoy Bobby, Bobbi rabbit, rogue rabbit
Rammus Rammus, armored Ramos, Rams dragon turtle, tortoise and hedgehog, Tortoise Ram
Renekton desert butcher Renaton crocodile
Ryze wandering mage Ruiz, Ryze bald
Shaco demon clown, evil clown Sacco, Sack clown
Shen Twilight Eye Shennan forbearance, Ninja
Singed alchemist, alchemist Xin Jide, Xinji alchemist, poison gas man, soy sauce man
Sion undead warrior, and Thain undead warrior, Cylon
Sivir Sivir, war mistress Shivell, Schiffer's wheel mistress, mistress p>Sona, harpist and fairy, graceful stringed instrument, Suo Na's piano girl
Soraka's son Suo Laka's stars, Mammy
Swain Swain the Master Tactician Crow
Taric Taric Tariq, Tariq Gem
Teemo Swift Scout, Clever Agent Teemo Blow Man, Mushroom Man
Tristana Mailin Gunner, Meng Ling gunman Tristana Xiao Bao, gunner Tris
Trundle cursed troll Chuandel Troll
King of p>Tryndamere Barbarian Tedamir, Tereen Dmija barbarian king, Man Zi, Man brother Tyda
Twisted Fate Twisted Fate twist, Tessie Defith card TF
Twitch plague source, plague giant rat Twitch, decaying rat, Rat
Udyr beast spirit Udyr, Judel Druid, Xiaode, Ogat, the proud leader of the Beastmaster UD
Urgot, the leader of the Ogat, the crab, the biochemical man
the evil little wizard of p>Veigar, the trickster Vega, the dwarf wizard of Vega
the scarlet reaper of p>Vladimir, Vladimir the Scarlet Death, Vladimir the Vampire, Vlad
Warwick bloodthirsty hunter, Warwick werewolf bloodthirsty hunter WW
Xin Zhao Debon Manager Zhao Xin Xin, Zhao Yun Xin, Ping Pong
Zilian Time Keeper, Time Keeper Kieran, Gillian Clock, Bomber, Time Old Man Zil.