Please write down the names of all types of sharks!

1. Hexabranchial Sharks

2. Order Porphyra

3. Tiger Sharks

4. Carcharhinids

5. Order Squalia

6. Saw Sharks

7. Platycarcharhinids

8. Whiskercharhinids


Introduction: Sharks existed on the earth as early as 300 million years ago before the appearance of dinosaurs. Over half a billion years old, they have changed little in nearly 100 million years. Sharks, known as sharks, sharks, and sharks in ancient times, are behemoths in the ocean, so they are known as "wolves of the sea." Conventional wisdom holds that shark cartilage (i.e., shark fins) is high in protein, but this is wrong. The protein of eggs far exceeds that of shark fins. In addition, studies have shown that since sharks tend to accumulate mercury in their bodies and shark fins contain a certain amount of neurotoxins, they are potentially harmful to the human body. Sharks are at risk of extinction due to heavy hunting over decades.

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrates

Class: Chondrichthyes

Subclass: Elasmobranchs Subclass

Order: Pleurospora (Charcoidea)

Distribution area: Tropical and subtropical oceans. Our country is distributed in the East China Sea, South China Sea, Yellow Sea and other sea areas.

Activity range: 0 to 1300 meters in all sea areas