Which dynasty did eunuchs come from?

The era of the origin of eunuchs cannot be determined accurately, but it is said that they were created by a beautiful concubine of Assyria. In the East, they began during the formation of the ancient autocratic monarchy system. This period is roughly All around the 8th century BC. Herodotus, known as the father of history, once said that in the 6th century BC, this custom existed in Persia. The Persians believed that eunuchs were more trustworthy than ordinary people, and at the same time they praised the eunuchs for their loyalty. Due to the widespread use of eunuchs and the high demand, the ancient Greeks lured or forced some handsome young boys to castrate them and sell them. According to Herodotus, the Greeks sold eunuchs to the Persians at high prices in places such as Aphishas, ??the ancient capital of Asia Minor, which is also called Napiso in the Bible, and Saluds, the capital of Lygia. Shahrudes is famous for producing eunuchs. In China's slave society and feudal society, eunuchs were widely used. According to oracle bone inscriptions, the use of eunuchs in ancient China had already appeared in the Yin and Shang Dynasties.