The order of seniority of the Ouyang surname:
Yuan Meng Ying Zuzi; Tian Yong Xiu Literary; Si Yan Cheng De Zheng; Dao Ji Xing Rong Hua; Hong Fan Zheng En Xi; Yilun Xu Dian Always; the letter will last for a long time; the fortune will be bright; the Jun scholar will be a sage; the world will be famous; the reward will be the first; the life will be prosperous and the rest will be auspicious.
The seniority of the Ouyang surname is a special cultural phenomenon in the history of our country, and it has lasted for a long time. A family has a genealogy, and a country has a history. This is often mentioned in the prefaces of many genealogies. The genealogy of the Ouyang family was passed down to Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty, who compiled the "Ouyang Genealogy". This genealogy and the Su family genealogy compiled by Su Xun are called Ou and Su. They are the precedent for private genealogy compilation in China. .
The style of their genealogy revision has become the basic formula for the genealogy of future generations, that is, the genealogy includes: genealogy sequence, genealogical examples, genealogy diagram, genealogy record, examination of ancestors, etc. After the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, genealogy examples were supplemented and developed on this basis, forming a set of rules: genealogy theory, portraits, clan rules, family training, etc. Ouyang's genealogy was compiled by Ouyang in various places during the Yuan, Ming, Qing, and the Republic of China. There are about dozens of versions.
Extended information:
Although the history of clan genealogy in China is relatively early, the complete and systematic writing style of a surname should not have been formed until after the European and Su genealogies. .
Since Ouyang Xiu compiled the Ouyang Genealogy, there have been dozens of genealogy, family trees, general genealogy and continued genealogy works, but they are all in the Ouyang Genealogy. It is inherited and developed on the basis of the genealogy set by "". Summarizing its content and characteristics, the following are generally the following:
The genealogy revision emphasizes "ending in the visible world". This is because a family is passed down from generation to generation, has many people, and the family tree is endless. It's complicated and trivial. Therefore, family trees and genealogies should be detailed and detailed based on the relationship between closeness and distance. Those who are close should be remembered in detail, and those who are far away should be remembered briefly.
The great-great-grandson lived another life. The principle of genealogy is that seven generations of the great ancestor, ancestor, father, son, grandson, great-grandson and great-great-grandson form one line, or five generations form one line. After the great-great-grandson, there is another lineage. This is based on the five-service system of ancient Chinese etiquette and law.