The translations and annotations of the classical Chinese texts given by Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty are as follows:
Original text: He Zhizhang has a high name, and he retired from his old age, and the Ming emperor valued it. He wept and asked him what he wanted, saying, "I have a man who has not been named. Fortunately, your majesty gave him the honor of returning home." The master said, "The way to be a man is better than faith. If you are blessed, you will believe. Your son should be named Fu." Congratulate him again and be ordered. After a long time, he realized that he said, "Why tease me? Fu is a son under a paw. Why not call my son a paw?"
He Zhizhang has a famous reputation. When he retired from his old age and returned to his hometown, Tang Minghuang praised him and wept when he was about to leave. When Tang Minghuang asked He Zhizhang what he wanted, He Zhizhang said, "I have a son who hasn't been named yet. I hope your Majesty will give me a name and use it to get the honor of returning home. "
The emperor said," Nothing is more important than honesty. Fu means honesty. Ai Qing's son should be named Fu. " He Zhizhang made two obeisances. It took He Zhizhang a long time to understand this matter and said, "Why did the Emperor joke with me? The word fu has a sub-word under the word claw. Isn't it just to name my son' claw'? "
Notes: 1. Naming: official name; 2. Farewell: twice; 3. Appropriate: it should be; 4. xuè: joking; 5. Fortunately: hope; 6. Jia: praise; 7, hey: tears; 8. enlightenment: understanding; 9. Your Majesty: Your Majesty; 1. Taste: Once.
Sentence: 1. Ask what you want: The emperor asked him what he wanted; 2, the way to be a man is better than a letter: the truth of being a man does not exceed honesty.
Li Longji
Li Longji (September 8, 685—May 3, 762), grandson of Li Zhi and Wu Zetian in Tang Gaozong, and the third son of Li Dan in Tang Ruizong, was also called Li Sanlang and his mother Dou Defai. The longest-serving emperor in the Tang Dynasty (from September 8, 712 to August 12, 756). Wuyin Day (September 8, 685) in August of the first year of Chuigong was born in Luoyang, the eastern capital.
Baoying died in the Shenlong Hall in Chang 'an on April 3rd, 762, at the age of 78. He was the supreme sage of posthumous title, Emperor Daming Xiao, whose temple name was Xuanzong (changed to Yuan Zong in Qing Dynasty to avoid the taboo of Emperor Kangxi) and was buried in Tailing. In the Qing Dynasty, Xuanye, the name of Emperor Kangxi, was taboo, and he was often called Emperor Tang Ming, and he was also known as Emperor SHEN WOO of Kaiyuan Shengwen.