What are the common organic fungicides? What are their respective roles?

(1) zineb, mancozeb, mancozeb.

Control anthracnose, downy mildew, black spot, etc. , with contact killing effect. Can be used in the early stage of disease.

(2) carbendazim, chlorothalonil, chlorpheniramine and thiophanate-methyl.

Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide can prevent and treat many fungal diseases.

(3) Triadimefon (Triadimefon)

Control rust and powdery mildew.

(4) toxic mold (metalaxyl)

Has the functions of internal absorption and contact killing, and can prevent downy mildew.

(5) Bactericide

A mixture of thiram, thiram zinc and thiram arsone.

(6) Pentachloronitrobenzene

Protective bactericide, no internal absorption. Used for soil disinfection and seed disinfection. It is effective against rice sheath blight, white stripe feather disease, purple stripe feather disease and white silk disease.

(7) Dixon and formaldehyde

Disinfection of soil seeds or fumigation in greenhouse.

(8) Agricultural antibiotics

Streptomycin, oxytetracycline, validamycin, antifungal agent 120, antibacterial agent 402 (allicin or ethylicin), etc. Can prevent and treat bacterial diseases.