The baby's horoscope is: Wuzi, Xinyou, Wuwu, Yimao. There are two earth, two gold, one water, one fire, two wood, and the five elements are not lacking. For people born on Wutu day and Youjin month, the earth can produce metal, so the earth nature is leaky. In the month of You, Wu earth is in bad luck, so if Wu earth is weak, Bing fire is most needed to warm the earth, and Gui water is needed to moisten the earth. The horoscope has Gui water in the Zi branch, Ding fire in the Wu branch, and no Bing fire. Binghuo must be added to the name. Bing fire is the sun fire, which can be used as the radical of sun, fire. Han is the radical of day, so the name Shao Yihan is not bad!