How to give a good name to your business

1. Use a noble and nice word to name it. The name is a company's signature. Whether the signature is good or not depends entirely on the name. For this reason, when giving your company a classy name, you can use a word that sounds good and is classy at the same time. Because people nowadays are more fashion-conscious, using this method to name can attract people’s attention at the first time. At the same time, because it is simple and easy to remember, it will also greatly increase your popularity.

2. Name according to value. You can give a valuable name based on your company's main business field. Company value is very important, which is the company's business philosophy. If it is mainly engaged in the field of environmental protection, it can be named: Oasis, Xunli, etc. At the same time, when naming according to value, most of the pronunciation is relatively high.

3. Try to be simple and easy to remember. The most important thing for a company name is that it should be simple and easy to remember, with a few words and a combination of fonts and meanings, making it look grand and natural. Some company names are more complicated, and people can’t remember what they are when they see the name. Therefore, if you want to give your company a high-end name, you should try to be as simple and clear as possible.

4. There are several very obvious things to note when naming a company: first, the name cannot be repeated; second, it cannot violate well-known trademarks; third, place names and abbreviations cannot be used; fourth, it can only be in simplified Chinese; fifth Template font sizes cannot be used; 6. Cannot be confused with well-known company names. 7. Don’t deliberately modify the company’s name. Try to keep the name as simple and clear as possible. 8. When naming a company, do not randomly pile up or create random words or phrases as the name of your company. 9. When naming a company, do not use uncommon or difficult words, which will make people unable to pronounce them. 10. When naming a company, do not use names with related slang. Business-related 12. Don't call yourself "A" just to put your company's name at the top of the "Big Yellow Pages."