(1) One hundred and eight
is the most common number. In order to prove the ignorance, one hundred and eight kinds of troubles are eliminated, so that the body and mind can reach a state of silence. There are many different opinions about the content of the 18 troubles. Generally speaking, the six roots have their own sufferings, joys and sorrows, which make them eighteen. There are three kinds of good, evil and equality in the six roots, which make 18 kinds, counting 36 kinds, and then add the past, present and future three generations to make 18 kinds of troubles. As the scripture says: The Bodhisattvas asked: What is the cloud? Buddha's words: if you have thoughts, you don't know that there are yin and sets in your heart's birth and death. If you don't know that you are crazy, it's the same when you turn to your destination, and so is your knowledge. It's the third meaning. Seeing lust, middle color and evil color, I don't know if I don't know if there is a set of yin and even touch. There are six classics, six in each, and although there is no language of the third world, there are hundreds of clouds, so it is known that it is about the moment and it is also the third world. Since the mind and consciousness are the three meanings, they are connected with the three generations, such as gathering the famous heart, raising the name and meaning, and distinguishing the famous knowledge. The meaning of three is the same, so the five roots are the same. There are 36 reasons for three generations, so there are 18.
(2) 1,8 pieces
According to Tiantai Sect's theory, there are no good and evil in the ten realms, so the number of 1,8 indicates that there are 18 kinds of troubles in each of the ten realms, and 1,8 kinds of troubles are synthesized. "Ten realms" represent the whole world of mystery and enlightenment, namely: 1. Hell, 2. Hungry Ghost, 3. Animal, 4. Shura, 5. Human, 6. Heaven, 7. Audience, 8. Marginal Consciousness, 9. Bodhisattva, 1. Buddhism.
(3 The details are as follows:
Ten faiths:
1. Confidence, 2. Mindfulness, 3. Diligence, 4. Wisdom, 5. Centering, 6. Protecting the heart, 7. Returning to the heart, 8. Caution, 9. Abandonment, 1. Willingness.
ten residences:
1. I'm beginning to live, 2. I'm living in the land, 3. I'm practicing, 4. I'm living expensively, 5. It's convenient and adequate, 6. I'm living honestly, 7. I don't want to retreat, 8. I'm really living as a child, 9. I'm living as a prince of France, 1. I'm fully enlightened.
Ten lines:
1. Happy line, 2. Rao Yixing, 3. No hatred line, 4. Endless line, 5. Wandering from madness, 6. Being good at the present, 7. Doing nothing, 8. Respecting line, 9. Being good at law, 1. Practicing it.
Ten Directions:
1. Rescue all sentient beings from all sentient beings; 2. Do not be bad; 3. Wait for all buddhas to return; 4. Go to all places to return; 5. Hide endless merits and deeds; 6. Follow the equality and good roots; 7. Follow the trend and wait for all sentient beings to return; 8. Wait for the Buddha to return; 9. Nothing.
Ten places
1. Happy places, 2. Away from dirt, 3. Luminous places, 4. Flaming places, 5. Difficult places, 6. Present places, 7. Traveling places, 8. Immortal places, 9. Good places, 1. Fayun places.
Four Good Roots:
It refers to four levels of practice before seeing the Tao, that is, observing the four truths and practicing the sixteen lines to achieve the sacred position without leakage, including: 1. Warm position, 2. Top position, 3. Endure position, 4. The first dharma position in the world.
(4) Forty-two
indicate the forty-two levels of Bodhisattva's practice, namely, ten dwellings, ten lines, ten directions, ten places, equal senses and wonderful senses.
Isoesthesia: It is also called Isorightness, that is, it refers to those who are equal to the Buddha in content but slightly inferior to the Buddha in practice.
miaojue: it refers to the Buddha's fruit of perfect consciousness, which is obtained by breaking the ignorance of a product by equal consciousness.
(5) Thirty-six pieces
have no exact meaning, and are generally thought to be convenient to carry, so one hundred and eight pieces are divided into thirty-six pieces, which contains the principle of seeing the big from the small, so they are the same as 18 pieces.
(6) Twenty-seven
indicates the twenty-seven sages of Hinayana practicing four directions and four fruits, that is, the "eighteen learned" of the first four directions and three fruits and the "nine unlearned" of the fourth Siraitia grosvenorii.
eighteen are learned: 1. Follow the faith, 2. Follow the law, 3. Understand the truth, 4. See the truth, 5. Identity card, 6. Every family, 7. One room (one kind), 8. Pre-flow, 9. Pre-flow fruit, 1. One direction, 11. One fruit, 12.
nine no-learning: 1. phase withdrawal, 2. phase keeping, 3. dead phase, 4. living phase, 5. progressive phase, 6. not bad phase, 7. non-retreating phase, 8. intelligent phase separation, 9. all phase separation.
(7) Twenty-one
indicates ten places, ten jackfruit and Buddha fruit. See "Fifty-four Pieces" for "Ten Places" and "Ten Paramitas" for the introduction of "Disciple Beads", so I won't repeat them here. And "Buddha fruit" refers to the fruit position that achieves the ultimate Buddha.
(8) Eighteen pieces
are commonly known as "eighteen sons", in which the so-called "eighteen" refers to the "eighteen realms", that is, six pieces, six dusts and six senses.
six: 1. Vision, 2. Ear boundary, 3. Nose boundary, 4. Tongue boundary, 5. Body boundary, 6. Mind boundary;
Six dusts: 1. Color dust, 2. Sound dust, 3. Fragrant dust, 4. Taste dust, 5. Contact dust, 6. Method dust;
six senses: 1. eye awareness, 2. ear awareness, 3. nose awareness, 4. tongue awareness, 5. body awareness, 6. consciousness.
(9) Fourteen
indicates that Guanyin Bodhisattva shares the same sorrow and admiration with all sentient beings such as Shifang, Sanshi and Liudao, and makes all sentient beings gain fourteen fearless merits. Fourteen fearless:
1. Make all beings return to their own nature and get relief;
2. Make all living beings know and see. If it is difficult to meet fire, the fire cannot burn;
3. Make all living beings spin and listen. Although they are floated by the big water, the water cannot drown.
4. Make all living beings enter the ghost country of Luo Cha, and ghosts will destroy evil by themselves;
5. Make six sentient beings disappear, and when they are killed, the knife sections are broken;
6. Bodhisattva shines brightly in ten directions, so that all beings are not harmed by medicine forks and ghosts;
7. Free all beings from false sound and dust;
8. Make all beings walk on dangerous roads, such as smooth roads, and avoid being robbed in case of thieves;
9. Those who are full of sex will not have lust;
1. Make those who are resentful and bear grudges not suffer;
11. Keep all dull and heartless people away from delusion;
12, make childless beings, those who want men, make men;
13, make childless beings, and those who want to have women, that is, give birth to women;
14. Those who make all beings hold the name of Guanyin will get the same fortune as the sand in Ganges River.