Standard format for script creation, making it easy for your script to be favored by production companies

Your title page

(Pay attention to the correct format and concise content)

The title page is used to mark your name and the name of the script, so it must appear correct and neat. Titles should be in large font, underlined, and centered, approximately 3 inches below the top edge of the page. In the lower right corner of the title, write your name, address, city, province, postal code, and phone number, single-spaced. Using a simple plate format, leave 1 inch of margin on the right and bottom edges of this page.

Your drama title

Our old tradition is to put the drama title on the first page, but now it is popular to put it It is omitted. In fact, both options are possible. If you go the old-fashioned way, type the show title about an inch above the top edge of the page, centered left and right, in uppercase, and underlined.

Page numbers

Starting from the second page, type the page number in the lower right corner, keeping the font consistent with the text. Page numbers are very important, so never neglect this procedure.

Start writing

Immediately after the title of the play, double-spaced, in the left margin, type in capital letters: "fade in:". Note the use of colons, and at the end of your script, type: "Fade out." Notice there is no colon here. Use "fade in" and "fade out" only once: at the very beginning of the script and at the complete end of the script. Don't use them elsewhere. If you use a "fade in," then after double-spacing, you can start writing the first scene of your script.

Scene title

In the left margin, you can type the scene title directly. The scene title, also known as the embedded bar, is actually an introduction to a scene. It must be short, concise, and typed in capital letters. Scene titles begin with the general location of the scene—"in," meaning an indoor scene, or "outside," meaning an outdoor scene. Then write the specific location in the title, such as: living room, street, or "outside", which means outdoor scene. Then write the specific location in the title, such as: living room, street, or supermarket, etc. The final title will indicate when your scene takes place—day or night. Outside Disneyland - Day Airport - Night Pay attention to the above format, especially its spacing and punctuation. This basic format should remain unchanged. Tip: Use these professional vocabulary correctly and try to avoid redundancy. For example: inside means the interior scene; outside means the exterior scene. If you write like this: Outside outside the palace inside inside the village If you are a professional script reader, when you see such a scene title, what will you think of the author? Of course, the correct way to write it is this: Outside the Palace Inside the Village Try to keep the scene title concise and clear, and don’t ruin it with some details. For example: On a busy street next to the apartment where Wai Su lives - May 5, 1992, 10 a.m. These details are written in the action paragraph that is about to begin after the title: Wai Su Street - May 5, 1992 , early morning, a busy street, an apartment building.

Writing Action Paragraphs

Sometimes, action paragraphs are called "description" or "narrative." I chose the term "action paragraph" because I wanted my students to avoid using description or narrative.

(In fact, Aristotle once said that drama must be "in the form of action, not narrative.") Screenwriters use action sequences to provide pithy, clear, and concise statements about story elements that cannot be captured in dialogue. But it must be seen by the audience. In fact, in the script, an action paragraph is as short and concise as a list rather than a description. Use single spacing within action paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs. In the paragraph content, the "hypothetical situation" in the scene must be expressed. For example: ☉Background (a bustling commercial city, a quiet park). ☉Environmental factors (time, season, weather) that can affect character actions. ☉Details of the physical environment that provide potential clues about the characters and story (special props like a photo frame, a dozen roses, a witch potion). In addition, the action paragraphs should also include stage descriptions of your characters, such as some detailed actions that can show the character's personality and emotions: In the living room - Ribabara holds a jar of water, walks along the trees, and performs sacrifices to the gods while humming. ceremony.

Designing Scenes

You should first show the details of your story environment, but there is no set rule for how to carry them out. Starting with a practice, season, or weather can quickly convey the atmosphere you are looking for, followed by the place and its important physical features. Outside the parade venue - early in the morning, the sky was blue, the sun was strong, and heat waves were rising on the grass. In the field-side bleachers, the red, white and blue stars and stripes flew. hint! The screenwriter's description only needs to reveal the essence of things. In the action sequence above, you get enough information to know that it's a hot morning and that a military celebration is about to take place. Such a small amount of description can reflect the industry standard and win the favor of producers. Yes, the script will be read by different people, but don't let that fool you. The producer will give the reader some specific instructions that, for any filmmaker, would be consistent with the laws of drama. Readers are looking for stories that work on the screen as well as dramas rather than short stories or novels.

Of course, you want to encourage people to read your script, but if you describe a sunset scene as "Venus twinkling on the horizon," you're really self-defeating. Film people hate this stuff, and if they say "your script reads like a novel," it's actually an implicit criticism. Some industry readers even say they usually skip the action and just read the dialogue. Once, I heard a director complain: "I don't need this single-spaced nonsense, just tell me where to shoot, who is there, and what they are doing." Maybe, you ask, without description, a How does the screenwriter convey the mood, meaning, and actions of the characters? The key lies in the following aspects: ☉Visualize the scene (as if recreating it in your mind). ☉Decide what you want your audience to see. ☉Write visual images that convey meaning, not explanations. ☉Only write down the details that the camera can capture and the actions that the actors can perform. In our "parade ground" scene, the details are sparse, but the camera captures them. Visual images can elicit meaningful associations without explanation or description. For example, the light in the early morning is different from the light at noon or evening. Although the scene is in the morning, we can see the heat waves rising from the grass. These details show that the season is summer; the background of the parade venue suggests that a military celebration is about to be held; 3. The color Stars and Stripes implies that it is in the United States. In the United States, what national summer holidays have military celebrations? Anniversary? July 4th? What do we expect the characters to do in this context? Now, to continue our discussion, let's rewrite this scenario. OUTSIDE THE PARADE FIELD - It was a gray morning and the grass was covered with fresh snow. In the field-side bleachers, the red, white and blue stars and stripes flew. Only one element changed - the climate, summer turned into winter.

The first scene implies that the time is Independence Day, which brings to mind parade celebrations and picnics; while the second scene implies that it is Veterans Day in gray November, which gives the story a cold visual atmosphere. It stands to reason that the audience would feel that the behavior of the characters on July 4th would be very different from the behavior of the characters on Veterans Day. Just by changing the image, we can change the entire story.

Camera angles and editing instructions

ESTABLISHING SHOT, CU (close-up, CLOSE UP SHOT), POV Terms such as POINT OF VIEWSHOT, CUT TO, and DISSOLVE are not strictly taboo, but novices are best advised to avoid using them and leave the decision of how to shoot and edit the film to the photographer. Direct it. Likewise, avoid using phrases such as: "The camera finds and follows..." In fact, never mention the camera. I strongly recommend that you remove the phrases "we can see..." or "we hear..." and use "we" to suggest that editing arrangements have been out of date for years. While using them this way isn't fatal, they can make your work look dated. This is a pitiful bit of psychological tactic when writing a screenplay. If you see a finished script with camera angles and editing instructions, forget about it. Since the film industry asks us not to include these elements in commercial scripts, why do we still spend time on these things that must be avoided? The quality of a good screenwriter is that he can control camera angles and editing implicitly in the text without using the word "shot". Outside the parade grounds (cue wide shot) the Stars and Stripes are waving in the stands. (Cue mid shot) Darren steps up to the microphone. (Possibly a close-up) In this transition, the end of each scene naturally means "cut," unless the writer has arranged otherwise. So writing "cut" at the end of every scene is as unnecessary, cumbersome and empty as having "to be continued" at the beginning and end of every page. hint! When you submit a script, you're applying for a position. Your script is your job application, and the producer is your future employer. They want your work to meet their requirements for commercial scripts, and they want you to keep the technical jargon out of your scripts, so the smartest thing to do is cater to them. Producers don't care if your scene ends in a "melt," but they do care if your script becomes a scene on screen.

Introducing Characters

In action paragraphs, when you first introduce a character, put him in bold name. Then, use the body font. For example: Parade venue outside - Early in the morning, the sky was blue, the sun was strong, and heat waves were rising on the grass. In the field-side bleachers, the red, white and blue stars and stripes flew. Darren, in uniform, appears at the podium. He tapped the phone to see if it was on. The first task is to give the character a suitable name. "A woman advises a man not to commit suicide" is hollow. Expressions like "Jane persuaded Ed not to jump off the building" will give life to the characters. The more real the characters appear, the more it will help you design their actions. On the other hand, you can use attribute titles to introduce supporting or background characters, such as "two police officers," "a waiter," or "a group of people." They must also be marked in boldface, similarly, then converted to boldface, similarly, then converted to text font: Outside the parade venue - Japanese people began to take their seats. Some carried flags. A group of brightly-dressed guards marched majestically into the venue, their flags not yet unfurled.

The Fatal Question

A student once asked, "Should I attribute a body to a person?" "My answer is: "As long as it speaks." Sometimes when you introduce characters, you have to figure out whether they are "characters." In drama, characters participate in dramatic action. If your corpse starts speaking lines and acting like other people, you can treat it as a "character," give it a name, and introduce it in boldface during action sequences. If your corpse is just lying on the ground with its limbs stretched out stiffly, it belongs to the set scene and becomes part of the background, like a prop.

Writing Conversation

Start the writing conversation 3 inches from the left edge of the page, and limit it to an approximate 3.25 inches wide (do not exceed this range). Leave 2.7 inches of white space from the right edge of the left margin, or 12 spaces from the left edge of the dialog box, and boldface the name of the person speaking. Single space between each character name and their dialogue. The demonstration is as follows: Good afternoon, host, ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the national anthem.

Things to avoid

(Don’t disconnect the same conversation)

Like spaces, the width of the dialogue bar will also affect the length of your script. A dialogue bar that is too wide or too narrow will affect the capacity of the script, which will in turn affect the structure of the script. Likewise, breaking a conversation from page to page can create a bad impression, especially if it's formatted incorrectly. For example: Marcia is having a really hard time today. I want to take a break and start a new tomorrow. Page break: —————————————————————————————This farce makes me so uncomfortable. I really don't know if I can survive it. Did you see that? The line ends abruptly on one page and begins again on another page, with no clue as to the identity of the speaker. Don't disconnect the conversation this way! To put it clearly, you must never disconnect the same conversation. Dialogue in movies should be concise. If your character's lines stretch from one page to the next, you may be suffering from "Hamlet syndrome": writing a lot of monologues, your character is always thinking "loudly" and reciting various thoughts and feelings. And the fact is, such lines hurt the action too much. If your conversations are often five or six lines long, you should give it some thought. You can avoid having the conversation break from page to page by rewriting. For example, you can add something to interrupt the conversation. Marcia is having a really hard day. I want to take a break and start a new tomorrow. She walked to the bar and got a glass of brandy. Page break: ————————————————————————————Marcia’s farce makes me so uncomfortable. I really don't know if I can survive it. Another method is to have a second character interrupt the first character, even if the second character only says a word or two. Marcia is having a really hard day. I want to take a break and start a new tomorrow. Great job Joe. Page break: ————————————————————————————Marcia’s farce makes me so uncomfortable. I really don't know if I can survive it. hint! When resuming an interrupted conversation, some scripts add "continued" or "to be continued" next to the speaking character's name. This is another convention you don't need to follow. Just treat the restarted conversation as another line, as in the example above. Most of the time, little strategies like this can do the trick. However, some lines cannot be adjusted. If you really can't avoid interruptions, here's how to do it: Marcia is having a rough day. I want to take a break and start a new tomorrow. (Continued) Page break: ————————————————————————————This farce of Marcia makes me so uncomfortable. I really don't know if I can survive it.

If the conversation is disconnected, at least make sure there are more than two lines per page, and not just a single line per page. Some playwrights use the complete "To be continued", but actually "Continued" is fine. Moreover, some screenwriting software will automatically add "continued" and "to be continued", so be sure to pay extra attention. The bias against broken dialogue is so severe that it would be best to modify the functionality of the software.

Special cases: parentheses

(Use parentheses with caution)

The "stage directions" for the speaking character are one or two lines in brackets, single-spaced between the character's name and the line (don't use more than three words in brackets). They are used to prompt actions that are not obvious in the context. Start writing brackets 2.2 inches to the right from the right edge of the left margin, or 6 spaces to the right of the left edge of the dialog box, and limit them to 1.5 inches, or 6 spaces to the right of the left edge of the dialog box. Start writing the bracket contents and limit them to a 1.5-inch wide box. HOST (singing) Oh, if you could see...

The ongoing debate

Many other film majors People regard content in the script, such as indicating camera angles, as a violation. They said: "The action should be left to the actors, and the director's work should be left to the director." What's more, they claim that in a well-written script, no parentheses are needed. Case in point: Protesters (laughing) brought down Joni Roger! Let the devil ship rot! We would normally assume that the demonstrators must be angry, but my brackets indicate that they are laughing, so I would argue that my stage directions give the scene a different interpretation than intended. However, many film practitioners question this simple usage. They will point out: I can introduce the characters in this way as "laughing protestors", and introduce the characters in this way, so that I can delete the brackets. . Of course, they're right, we rarely need parentheses. In fact, for novice screenwriters, brackets are both a brace and a plague. Why? Because novice readers are so insecure, they can't help but explain everything clearly, thinking that using parentheses will allow the reader to understand the meaning of the entire story. Over time, something unfortunate happened: almost every line was preceded by a parenthesis. Ten million! Don't do this! When you use brackets, you are performing the duties of a director on paper. The success of a script lies in the presentation of images and dramatic actions with strong visual effects. If you're afraid people will misinterpret a scene you've written, rewrite it and rearrange your visuals and actions until your meaning is conveyed without explanation. When you really need brackets, limit them to verbs and try to state actions. Avoid using adjectives or adverbs to describe actions, such as: (smiling) instead of (joyful) or (cheerfully) (nervous) instead of (nervous) or (nervously) (angry) instead of (angry) or ( Angry) Remember, if you do your job well, your setting and tone of dialogue will give the director and actors the appropriate clues. Ninety-nine percent of the time, they will be able to recreate the scene correctly without your help.


(To sex)

Beginner I often get confused about when and how to transition. Here are some good guidelines: A scene is a complete dramatic action that takes place somewhere with a consistent time, purpose, and characters. The following parameters may inspire you to understand when transitions are most appropriate: changes in location or time. (Most frequently) Adding or subtracting characters. (more frequently) A dramatic change of scene for a dramatic purpose. Gradually (sometimes) you develop a visceral reaction to these shifts. Remember, a scene title (embedded bar) marks a scene transition.

Likewise, the white space between lines is also very important. When you change scenes, there should be double spacing between the last line of your previous scene and the title of the next scene. There is a replica of a pirate ship parked at the Japanese port where the ship is shipped. Laughing demonstrators marched with warning signs. Protesters brought down Joni Roger! Let the devil ship rot! OUTER BEACH - The sunset turns the Atlantic Ocean red at night. As a breeze blew across the beach, Sandra watched her son Tim as the teenager climbed onto the rocky beach. Do you understand? When typing the last line of your existing scene, insert a blank line before typing the title of the new scene. You may see scripts that use triple spacing (two carriage returns) between scenes, but as far as I know, double or triple spacing between scenes is possible. Just be careful not to use triple spacing in other situations.

Sound effects

When your characters or the audience hear special sounds, you need to write sound effects. Sound effects only appear within action sequences and should always be blackened. Just use one or two words to indicate "sound," indicating that your desired sound requires minimal visual cues. (Never make a separate column and label it "special effects" or "sound effects.") How do you distinguish between what is a sound effect and what is not? One principle is to find the source of the sound. Can you spot anything that makes a noise? If not, then you should include sound effects. For example: Outside the street corner - it rained heavily at night, and there was lightning and thunder. An empty phone booth. A car drives by. The phone rings. A stray dog ??barks at the phone booth. You can see the rain pouring, so you don't need to add sound effects. But you can't see the thunder, so you have to write the "thunder" sound effect. Similarly, you can see the phone, but you can't see its ring tone. When the phone rings, you need to add a sound effect. You can see the dog barking, so you don't need to add sound effects when it barks. And another situation: outside on the street corner - it was pouring rain at night, with lightning and thunder. An empty phone booth. A car drives by. The phone rings. A dog barked in the distance. At this point, the dog is off-screen and you can write "dog barking" as a sound effect. Phone bells, doorbells, and radio sounds are all sound effects. Because even if you see a phone or a doorbell on the screen, you can't "look" at them and make a sound. On a television, you see images and expect sounds and know where they come from, but you don't "see" a radio playing music. Inside the kitchen - Japanese radio was playing soft music, and then there was a "beep" sound. Broadcaster (OS) This is a pilot show for the Dynamic Broadcasting Network. Pay attention to the "announcer" (OS), which is the abbreviation of OFF SCREEN, which means the line where the sound source is off-screen. Unfortunately, some beginners misunderstood its meaning and added (OS) after the sound effect. Don't! This is purely redundant. Just use black in the action paragraph to indicate the sound effect you want. You only need to use (OS) if the dialogue occurs off-screen. Again, please use (VO) correctly. This is the abbreviation of VOICE OVER, which means the narrative voice that the audience can hear, but the characters on the screen cannot hear it, that is, the narration. For example, in the car chase scene in "Maglen, Private Eye", Maglen whispered: "I know what you are thinking." The screenwriter used narration to reveal the facts. Unfortunately, like parentheses, narration is used as a lifeline by newbies. I strongly recommend that you try to avoid using narration. But if you can't help it, use it on material where the script can neither be seen nor heard. The correct way to use (OV) is to add it after the character's name: Maglen I know what you are thinking.

Special effects

(Simply write what you want the audience to see)

There is no need to explain how to achieve special effects. In Hollywood, there are countless people who can make your vision come true. Simply write down what you want your audience to see.

Outside the Farm - Night A huge silver flying saucer hovered over the clearing, making a squeaking sound. The exit opened, and a column of light poured out. The light changes colorfully, and the little green man walks out.

Passive mood

(passive to active)

When It worries me deeply when I see someone using this horrible verb form. For example: Joe was taken by Paul. Passive tone makes for bland and crappy writing, and in a screenplay, it's downright damning. You want to create believable action and natural dialogue, but passive voice sounds unnatural and overly polished. It makes it difficult to read action descriptions and makes dialogue stuttery. Even worse, it gives waiting script editors the perfect opportunity to humiliate you. Imagine your ignorance is chirping: Ignorance look! A fountain pen half full of ink was lost by someone. initiative! Put your subject where it belongs—at the beginning of the sentence: Paul took Joe. When the word "be" appears in your script, check your grammatical structure. If you stumble upon the passive voice, rewrite it: Ignorant look! Someone lost a fountain pen! There was only half the ink left in the pen tube.

Too much nonsense

(Remove details that cannot be photographed)

Writing should not only be rich in meaning, but also concise and practical. Keep action sequences as short as possible and remove details that cannot be photographed. For example: "She stood there, thinking." The camera cannot show that a person is thinking. Thinking is an inner action, as are feelings and memories. Inner action belongs only to novels. In drama, if the audience cannot see or hear a detail, then the detail does not exist. Therefore, you can only write about actions that the actors can perform and the camera can capture.

Adjectives and adverbs

(Use less descriptive words)

These words can describe or explain a character's actions. You certainly want to show what your characters are doing, but description and explanation are the novelist's way. Your approach is dramatic action and visual imagery. Definitely eliminate both adjectives and adverbs. This forces you to write about what the characters are doing rather than explaining how they are doing it. A few descriptive words are fine, but use them as sparingly as possible. Script format is the most basic and professional skill, and it is also an essential skill for screenwriters. But some friends don’t quite understand the format of the script. Although they can come up with a good format, everyone can’t help but laugh when they see it. This guy is still a very young bean sprout, so he will be bullied on the price. ; From the screenwriter's own perspective, he also has the responsibility to create standardized and beautiful texts. This not only makes readers feel comfortable, but is also a training for his own skills and seriousness.

If you are a novice, you can try to choose computer screenwriting software for professional screenwriting design. Anjiexiu script online editing function refers to the advantages and disadvantages of various script formats in the industry. Comprehensive design and formulation of standard format specifications for creative cloud scripts. Editors can write online or modify after importing. No matter what format of script is imported, it will be displayed according to our preset specifications, including the introduction of cover, prologue, Drama series (text), the text specifications are actions, characters, inserts, dialogues, shots, insert the scene header for editing.

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