Name your son, and the eight characters generated are Geng Yin, Shen Jia, Yi Wei and Yi You. Look at Wang Luoxi, Wang Runxi, Wang Zifeng and Wang Ziyang, which is better.

Name your son, and the eight characters generated are Geng Yin, Shen Jia, Yi Wei and Yi You. Look at Wang Luoxi, Wang Runxi, Wang Zifeng and Wang Ziyang, which is better.

Wei Jing,

The ancients said, "There is a road to diligence in Shushan, and there is no limit to learning the sea." It means that hard work is the key to learning. Endless learning is necessary for everyone with lofty ideals. If people want to make continuous progress, they have to live and learn. You can't get bored with your study. Han Yu's words are intended to tell people that there are no shortcuts and no boats to sail on the road of studying. If you want to learn more and more knowledge from the vast amount of books and knowledge, "diligence" and "concentration" are two essential and the best conditions.