1. Ye Ruyu
The ancients said, "Speak to a gentleman and treat him like jade", and there is also "The stranger is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world", using the word "ruyu" to give the boy As a name, it is not only full of ancient charm, but also can quickly remind people of the image of a graceful gentleman, giving people a beautiful feeling.
2. Ye Lefeng
The word "Lefeng" is taken from the "Book of Songs" in "The beginning is the waiting, the drum, and the extension is the bell, which is the music wind". Le, interpreted as pleasure and happiness, is placed in a person's name, which means that he can be optimistic and positive, and brings happiness to the people around him; Feng, placed in a boy's name, also means that the boy can be gentle and personable.
3. Ye Ruikai
The word Rui means auspiciousness and auspiciousness; the word Kai means happiness and joy. The name Ruikai means that children can grow up happily, have good luck in life, and not have too many worries. Ox is considered a very auspicious animal, so this name for a boy born in the year of Ox is more consistent with the characteristics of the zodiac sign.