"Lost Girl"
The 13-episode supernatural drama "Lost Girl" aired on Canada's Showcase channel tells the story of the slut Bo ("Lost Girl" stills ( 17 photos) played by Gemini Award nominee Anna Silk) story. In North American folklore, succubi gain strength by sucking the sexual energy of mortal men. If they look at you or touch you, you will fall into a coma or even die. Although Bo, who grew up among humans, has no desire to kill, she sometimes cannot control her supernatural powers. In order to prevent more people from becoming his "victims", Bo keeps a low profile and is always running around without stopping for a moment.
Bo soon discovered that there were many supernatural creatures like himself in the world, and they all had the same name: Fae. For thousands of years, alien species like her have been passed on from generation to generation among humans, and few people are aware of their existence. Bo is terrified of who he really is, but relieved that he's not alone. She decided to take a middle-of-the-road path - neither helping her fellow humans to harm humans, nor helping humans to fight against their fellow humans. Relying on her agility and the unique feminine charm of a succubus, Bo fights injustices for the little people at the bottom of society every day (she accepts both human tasks and alien tasks). At the same time, she will also secretly investigate the mystery of the origin of the alien species and find her biological mother.