When handling the change, change and refund of railway electronic tickets at the railway ticketing window, only the tickets are consistent can they be handled; After the ticket is registered in real-name registration system, passengers must show their original valid identity documents, and the ticket, certificate and person are consistent before entering the station. Therefore, please carefully check your name, ID number and other relevant identity information when registering for ticket purchase on 12306.cn website. If there is any mistake, you can only go through the refund formalities on 12306.cn website (no later than 2 hours before driving) and charge the refund fee according to the regulations. The tickets have been reserved. You can't change your name.
What are off-site tickets, connecting tickets and round-trip tickets?
If passengers have the transportation capacity, they can buy off-site tickets, joint tickets and round-trip tickets with seat numbers. Generally speaking, off-site tickets refer to buying tickets from one station to another station in a different city.
If there is no direct train from the bus station to the destination station, passengers can buy a connecting ticket from the transfer station to the destination station at the same time when buying tickets from the bus station to the transfer station.
Round-trip ticket means to buy tickets from the bus station at the same time (from the bus station to the destination station) and return (from the destination station to the bus station).