"Keeping the Tao and Staying Below: Wei Zhao Gongqing Recommends People with Both Talents and Virtue" A Complete Collection of Strategy and Wisdom of the Three Kingdoms
The imperial edict ordered the three princes and nine ministers to each recommend a person with both talents and virtues, and Sima Yi recommended him. Wang Chang, a native of Taiyuan, was elected as the governor of Yanzhou. Wang Chang was a respectful and honest man. He named his nephews Wang Mo and Wang Chen, and his sons Wang Hun and Wang Shen. He wrote a letter to warn them: "I use these four characters as your names so that you can follow the meaning of the name and dare not Violation. Things mature quickly and die quickly, and late blooming will have good results; the gorgeous grass in the morning will wither in the evening, and the lush pines and cypresses will not fade in the cold winter, so gentlemen all call them "quetang boys" ' As a warning. If you can regard humility as gain, and weakness as strength, you will rarely fail to succeed. Slander and praise are the roots of love and disgust, and they are also disasters. Confucius said: "I do not slander or praise others." If this is the case with the virtues of saints, how can mediocre people easily slander and praise them? People may be attacked by others and should retreat. As for self-blame, if you have behavior that can be attacked, then others' attacks are right; if you have no behavior that deserves attack, then his words are false, so don't resent him if he is right, and it is okay if he is wrong. If you harm yourself, why bother to retaliate against others? The proverb says: 'It is better to save the cold than to wear a thick coat, and to stop slander, it is better to cultivate one's self. ' This sentence is credible!"
Wang Chang has a deep understanding of principles and is good at dealing with the world. , use surrender as extension, give way as gain, use weakness as strength, be unmoved by criticism and praise, strengthen self-cultivation, and become invincible.