Chinese names of all heroes in DOTA ALL STAR

Aegis of the Immortal-Athena, a shield used by gods in Greek mythology.

the bow in the cannon-Diablo II.

p>Aghanim's Scepter(Aghanim Agahnim, the ultimate Boss in some Zelda series games.

Cranium Basher-Cranium Basher is a kind of fighting hammer in Diablo.

Dagon (the power of the big root)-a Jewish god.

Eaglehorn-the bow in Diablo ii.

eul's scepter of divinity-a tribute to the creator of the original map of Defense of theAncients, which also has an item with the same name. The item "Guinsoo's Scythe ofVyse"(Guinsoo's evil sickle) can be upgraded from this item. The more powerful power of the latter (empty staff as a part of the formula, and in the classification of higher-level items) implies the authority of Guinsoo, or simply indicates the process of map development.

eye of skadi-Skadi is the wife of Van god Njord in ancient Norwegian mythology. She is the god of winter. As a homage to her, this item makes the hero's attack frosty and slows the opponent down.

hand of MIDAS-Midas is a character in Greek mythology who can turn everything he touches into gold. In Allstars, this item kills a hostile soldier and turns them into gold.

Heart of Tarrasque-Tarrasque is a dungeons &; Dragons(D& D, Dungeons and Dragons) is an almost eternal creature, but also a mysterious creature that can become a dragon, a lion and a scorpion. It is also a small Boss in Starcraft.

p>Lothar's Edge(Lothar tribute to Mr. Anduin Lothar, who was the defender of Azeroth in World War I (in Warcraft and Warcraft II).

Messerschmidt's Reaver-Messerschmidt's Reaver is an axe in Diablo II, which originated from Diablo.

Monkey King Bar-From China's novel Journey to the West, the golden hoop is a staff used by the hero Sun Wukong (the Monkey King) and can be changed in size according to his wishes; This weapon also appears in the game null.

Necronomicon-a book invented by the early fantasy writer H.P. Lovecraft. A book with this name also appeared in the movie Army of Darkness.

Nethrezim Buckler-Nathrezim or Dreadlords is a race in Warcraft.

Sange-a sword in Phantasy Star Online.

Yasha-a demon in Indian mythology. It is also another sword in the game Phantasy Star Online.

Sange and Yasha (sanhua &; Hag)-In the game Phantasy Star Online, Sanhua and Hag can be combined to form a powerful double-edged weapon, and obviously the same is true in this game.

Stygian Desolator-the weapon in the game Anarchy Online. This name comes from the name of the river in the underground world of Greece, Styx River (Styx River, meaning the ownership of Styx River). This river is contrary to common sense, because the water of Styx River is thought to give eternity to those who touch it. It is said that Achilles was immersed in the Styx River when he was a baby.

introduction to the source of some heroes in p>DOTA

Abaddon, Lord of Defense of the Ancients-Avernus is a Latin word meaning "void" or "abyss". Abaddon ("destruction" in Hebrew) is the name of an fallen angels in the abyss, which comes from the Revelation, the last part of the Bible. This character is also a powerful character in the war game Warhammer 4,.

Akasha (Queen of Pain)-five main figures in Hinduism. It is also the name of the character Queen of the Damned in a book by Anne Rice. In Hindi, the word means sky.

Atropos-one of the 3 goddesses of fate in Greek mythology, according to which she cut off the silk thread of life. Her characteristic in DotAAllstars is the mastery of the ultimate skill demon, which can absorb a lot of enemy's life. Atropos is also one of the three ultimate attack skills in the game Tactics Orge:Knightsof Lodis; Demon mastery is a powerful attack skill in this game

Azwraith, the Phantom Lancer-this character uses a model/icon based on Kimahri, the character in Final Fantasy.

Barathrum, the Spiritbreaker-Barathrum means underground world in Latin.

Black Arachnia, the Broodmother-"Black Arachnia "is a character in a TV series BeastWars. In the play, Black Arachnia is a female spider/robot character of Predacons faction.

Bradwarden-the centaur character in The Demon Awakens by R.A. Salvatore's.

Butcher-from The Butcher in Diablo. When he used his ultimate skill, he shouted the same words as The Butcher.

Furion (Prophet)-the leader of the night elves. In warcraft 3, he has the ability to control nature.

Ignis Fatuus-the ultimate skill of Keeper of the Light (KOTL), can summon a conspicuous pale light in the swamp, similar to a Wisp.

Yurnero (the Juggernaut) blade master-blade master, an orc, whose ultimate skill is invincible chop, which is derived from the invincible chop of Cloud Strife in the final fantasy. It originated from Jagann*th, the world Lord of Hinduism and the king of Vishnu, and is considered as an unstoppable force that will clear everything in its path.

Kel'Thuzad-a disciple of the Lich King in the original version of warcraft 3.

King Leoric, the Skeleton King-his name comes from a character in Diablo, whose son is occupied by a demon.

Death Prophet-a character (missionary) in the game Summoner 2.

Leshrac (the Malicious) tortured soul-another character from the game Magic: The Gathering.

Leviathan (tidal hunter)-a power hero like a deep-sea beast. His name comes from a sea creature in the Bible.

Lina Inverse-a powerful caster, whose name and spell are derived from "killer". A famous manqa and anime are Lina Inverse

Doom in the cartoon-a doomsday guard and a fallen archangel in Catholic legend. (also from the invincible heroes series). The hero's name was also written Lucy.

Magnus-originated from a German physicist, Heinrich Magnus, who discovered a physical phenomenon called the Magus effect. The name is apt, because the ultimate skill of the half-human mammoth "polarity reversal" works like the Magnus effect.

Medusa (the Gorgon)-a monster in Greek mythology who can turn people into stone statues by staring. This is shown in the game by using skill purification and gaze (only in certain versions). These skills can greatly slow down the enemy's speed, but they can't turn them into stone statues.

Mercurial, Avatar of Vengeance-The name comes from the artist who drew the loading screen of version 6.28.

Mogul Kahn (King of Axes)-The name Mogul comes from the Farsi-Mongolians dynasty, which once ruled parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Kahn means the king of Monglian Empire. Kahn is often misspelled as "Khan".

Morphling-a shapeshifter from the wizard's coast in the game Magic: The Gathering, who can change attributes to adapt to the environment.

Mortred (phantom assassin)-her name probably comes from the name mordered. In the legend of King Arthur, Mordred was a traitor who severely damaged King Arthur. This story is similar to Mortred's story in the DotA game. The name can also be thought of as coming from the word mortify, which means to destroy strength, vitality or function.

Slithhice (Naga Siren) Naga siren-originated from Greek mythology, sirens (half-length woman, half-length fish) lured sailors to their island. In the game, the ultimate skill of Naga siren (Siren Song) will put enemy units in the surrounding area to sleep for a while.

Nevermore-a shadow demon, probably from Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven".

Silencer-his name probably comes from p>Nortrom, a PlanescapeTorment(AD& &; D game, exotic requiem). It may also come from Norton, because they are a company that develops anti-virus software, and Nortrom is an anti-magic hero.

Rhasta (Shadow Shaman)-The name comes from a special religious group "Rhastafari", which should be in Jamaica according to the accent of Rhasta.

Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin-a stealth ninja in the game Tenchu: The Stealth Assassins.

Shandelzare Silkwood (vengeful spirit)-Her Magic Missile comes from the name of a spell in Dungeons and Dragons.

Squee (one of the gobbling techies) goblin tinker-the role in the game Magic: The Gathering; A goblin from Weatherlight saga.

Sven (the Rogueknight) Rogue Knight-A notorious saying by a fitness athlete from Sweden "I want to pump *clap*you up!" . Explanatory text of Sven's skill tenacity aura ("Sven is here to pump youup!") Now sven is not afraid of anything) and the ultimate skill ("Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25seconds. "This is sven nb, and you get extra damage for 25 seconds.".

Syllabear (Druid)-Syllabear should be the name of a member of Clan TDA, who developed the DotA Allstars series map together with Guinsoo (see staff information of Series 5).

Ulfsaar (ulfsaar)-a soldier of Furbolg, whose name probably comes from NorseU.