We in China have always attached great importance to names. "When the emperor visited Yu, he was very happy and gave him a good name." We should also give him a "good name" when writing articles. People usually read the title of the article first, and then read the text. The title of the article is bad, which makes people feel disgusted, so people don't read the text; The general title of this article did not arouse people's interest. It is very wrong for readers to lose interest in reading because of bad headlines.
Curiosity is a psychological characteristic of people. The article is new in content and title. Therefore, being unconventional should be regarded as an idea of the title of the proposed article.
A female classmate wrote a good article for a Chinese newspaper. The content is that she went to the tap to get water, and there were many people waiting for water, so she put the bucket in front. A little girl in kindergarten criticized her for "having a penguin-like breast". When she was embarrassed, the little girl said, "Elder sister, if you are in a hurry, you should take the water first and I will go to your original place." Originally an interesting article, she used "a little thing" as the title, and the editor changed it to "a little girl educates a big girl", which added a lot of color to the article.
2. See cleverness in your own shortcomings
In daily life, we often have such experiences: we are not surprised that a smart person has done a smart thing or a smart action; When a clumsy person does a clever thing or a clever action, we will feel novel.
So is the title of the article. Sometimes using a seemingly clumsy title can attract people's attention more than using a clever title. This kind of topic contains cleverness in clumsiness, and it is indeed more clever to see cleverness in clumsiness.
It's nothing new for classmates to write deskmate. One thing is that when the group is on duty, because there will be a sports meeting tomorrow, other students will go to the playground to watch the fun, and she will clean the classroom alone at the same table. Another thing is that her deskmate won't do a question in the English exam. She wrote the answer on a note and handed it over, but the deskmate didn't read it. This little thing is nothing, but she used her brains on the topic. She avoided the general name of the man I admire, and also avoided some artistic names such as a flash of light, and chose a seemingly clumsy name-stupid deskmate. The word "stupid" is really well used, which not only shows the good character of the deskmate, but also shows her love for the deskmate.
3. It's normal.
Just as a girl in flowery clothes is more conspicuous among a group of girls, a plain title is more conspicuous among many fantastic titles.
One of my classmates took part in an essay contest, which wrote about how three generations of her extended family lived in harmony, focusing on how sisters-in-law from different families could unite, respect their elders and take care of their children. She drew up a simple and clear title for her article-"Aunties" and won the prize in the competition. Besides the content of the article, it also has something to do with the title.
A classmate saw the Yellow River with his own eyes when visiting relatives during the holiday. He was deeply moved and wrote it in his composition. What kind of title should I draw up He used the method of "I saw the Yellow River". This title fully shows the reverence and pride of a middle school student who was lucky enough to see the cradle of the Chinese nation with his own eyes after hearing and reading about the Yellow River.
Create suspense
The titles of some articles completely reveal the theme of the article, and readers are only particularly interested in the theme it reveals. Such a title can certainly arouse readers' desire to read.
But sometimes the title reveals the whole content of the article, but the reader is no longer interested in reading. As soon as the reader looks at the headline, he knows that a question has been decided, that someone's fate is known, and that something is over, so he doesn't want to read the text any more. In this case, use another method to draw up the title-cause suspense.
Only put forward the topic in the topic without writing the conclusion; Only write the characters recorded in the title, and the deeds are unknown; The title only shows some clues, and the success or failure is unknown, which will arouse the suspense of readers and make them anxious to know the following.
According to the situation that boys and girls can't communicate normally in some places, a tabloid in China compiled three articles: one is that boys and girls helped each other through a voluntary work to level the ditch, and the gap between boys and girls was leveled, with the title "The ditch was leveled"; One is to break the boundaries between boys and girls through a class basketball match, with the title "Crossing the" 38th Parallel "; The other is the head teacher, who, after careful consideration, finally stopped the boys and girls from dancing together and joined the Youth Friendship Round Dance with the title "Dance Music Rings Again". The titles of these three articles have played a suspense role for readers.