All pet locations in Dream Unparalleled Pet Forest

The locations of all pets in the Fantasy and Unique Pet Forest are as follows:

Fire Monkey: Appears on the forest tree of the mythical beast and is easy to see. It is the most common pet you will encounter.

Wood Snake: At the junction of the forest and the volcano, there will be a chance to meet and see the green egg on the platform above. Clear the guard next to the green egg, hatch the green egg, and the wooden snake will come out. At this time, you can grab it.

Squeaking Rats: Squeaking rats are more likely to appear during thunderstorms. There will be volcanoes in the mythical beast forest, and they will hide behind a small mound with only their heads exposed. The probability of being captured is very low. Please wait. /it/u=4134829382,893702557&fm=218&app=126&size=f242,150&n=0&f=JPEG&fmt=auto?s=B9902ED04EF1F05740ACD9100300D0D5&sec=1672160400&t=1c3c91a9d 305574811e6261c1ff90595