How to identify the application name through the pcap package

Repost: from

Keywords: MPKG, PKG, Loader. Flash + patch.

1. MPKG: MPKG software not provided by Motorcycle cannot be installed on the A1200, so you must first install the "MPKG" software provided by yan0, and use "MPKG" to complete the installation function of the MPKG software, including Loader. Because the mobile phone can recognize the suffix mpkg but cannot install it, we need to change the suffix of our mpkg file to pkg and install it through MPKG. The following mpkg and pkg refer to the same meaning

2. Loader: Loader is used to run scripts written by yourself. It is particularly suitable for testing scripts and directly running scripts. After flashing and patching support Telnet, clicking Loader can also open the phone's USBNET for Telnet and browser browsing of internal files on the phone.

3. Flashing and patching: The mobile phone completes the update of the mobile phone software version and adds certain functions by rewriting the software. Flashing the phone is a simple software version update. You can go to Motorcycle KF to ask for the phone to be flashed, or you can flash the phone yourself. Use the patch file provided by yan0 when flashing the phone. After flashing, the phone can add certain functions, such as supporting Telnet, automatically running programs at boot, automatically turning on the phone when the alarm clock is turned off, and canceling the cancellation restrictions inside the phone.

Currently, the software available for A1200 is:

★You can run some MPKG programs without flashing: MSN and handwriting provided by Moto; Loader, silent shutter, modification shortcut icon provided by yan0, Screen capture, file management, backup, restore, and memory expansion for icq8.

★Things that need to be flashed to run: automatic boot, increase ring tone, font conversion, classification modification, psysun firewall, zmplayer, Huanlingwang.


There is a problem with the server No. 3. Can't log in at the moment. The following download contains "" and cannot be downloaded temporarily.

How to modify the SBF flash package.

The following is the sorted directory:

☆Usually updated content - this content will be classified into the following directories after being updated for a period of time

- -----------------

★The flash package provided by yan0

1. Software download. Contains 48,53 original version and yan0 version, RSD flash tool

2. Flash instructions

3. Functions provided by the flash package

4. Automatic boot function Settings and usage methods

5. How to automatically run multiple programs upon startup. Provide starup.txt to solve the problem of installing theme crashes

6. How to adjust the ring tone volume of incoming calls.

Provide modified configuration files

7. A1200 Telnet

8. Font conversion

9. Classification modification

★A1200 MPKG Installation software part

1. Software download:

2. Installation: "MPKG installation" software installation, PKG software installation

3. Icon activation:

4. Program uninstallation method

★Provide PKG software instructions


nosound - silent shutter

memext - Memory expansion

myidle - my icon

ghost - backup phone book and text messages

retore - reply to phone book and text messages


Magic Bell King

★A1200 snapshot software

★A1200 MPKG production method

1. How to generate MPKG software

2. Chinese name of the software

3. Modification of E680/i PKG software


★Concentrated answers to questions

========================================================================================================================================================================================================== everyone in everyone's hopes for everyone in everyone's hopes. Some of them can be realized through scripts, and I will try my best to make some of them; those that need to be cross-compiled will need to be completed by DX later

☆Universal player, plays Flash, AVI, MP3. --In I found a software Zmplayer on a foreign website, which seems to be available

☆OPIE: direct installation is not possible

☆Area code show

☆Incoming call firewall;√. Psysun's firewall can run normally with the flash cracking package. For details on downloading and usage, please see the PKG section at the end of this post or the section on firewall on floor 350 on page 24. For details on settings, see the psysun post:

☆SMS Firewall;

☆SMS Receipt ;

☆Increase the speaker volume: √

☆Add other programs on the left function button:

☆Fantasy Ring King (ringtone changes randomly): √ Achieved through script program

About Zmplayer, MotoFans can download it and supports A1200. Friends who need it can download and try this software:

zykajl uploaded this software. For details, see:


★★★yan0提供的刷机Package ★★★

8/20 released A1200 mainland China version 53_yan0

8/2: released A1200 mainland version 48 version_yan0 version

1. Software download :


★ A1200_Mainland Mobile Version 53_yan0 version released on 8/20, about 48M. The decompression password is

Download address 1: A1200_53_yan0

Download address 2: A1200_53_yan0

53 original software, about 48M: A1200_53

- ---------------

★ A1200_Mainland Mobile Version 48_yan0 Version released on 8/2, about 48M.

Download address 1: A1200_48_yan0

Download address 2: A1200_48_yan0

Version 48 original software, about 48M: A1200_48

--- ------------------

★ Download the flash tool software RSD 2.7: RSD

The original version 48 and RSD27 can go to this post Go down, fast:


Two , Flashing instructions:

★ Flashing is risky. Before flashing, please be sure to read and understand the A1200 flashing precautions written by yan0: Special instructions, the flashing process will display 1, 2,... 100 and then Reboot is displayed, and the phone will automatically turn on. It may or may not turn off after turning it on, which is normal:

★ The flashing package provided by yan0 here is an integrated flashing package that can be directly flashed. After downloading, use WINRAR to decompress, and then use RSD to flash the device.

★ Please use backup software to back up the phone book before flashing the phone. After flashing the phone, use recovery software to restore the phone book.

★ After the flashing is completed, install the SIM card and turn on the phone, Settings - Master Clear, the password is 000000, and the phone is cleared. Then start using it again

☆ If you feel uncomfortable with the flash package version provided by yan0, please flash back to the original official version.


3. Functions provided by the flash package:

The flash package provided by yan0 here only makes few modifications to the original flash package and only adds some necessary functions. Yan0 will not make any modifications to personalized items.

1. Comprehensively improve Telnet permissions: you can enter any directory after Telnet, and run software without any restrictions after flashing, such as psysun's firewall (the official version cannot run the firewall because Telnet has low permissions and cannot access the phone) library file).

2. Support Telnet: Connect to the computer in Modem mode, click on the installed Loader icon on the phone to Telnet, and you can enter any directory. By opening it through a browser, you can browse all directories and files inside the phone. For the specific USBLAN driver, please see the Telnet section later.

3. Add the option to mute the camera shutter sound. You can directly set the shutter sound to silent in the camera settings.

4. Optimize the boot program and complete the following functions in sequence:

★ First run the program to modify the ring tone volume. After detecting ezx_volumetable.cfg, use this file to replace the system default Set to complete the volume adjustment function. This file can be placed in "My Collection"-Others, or in the TF card.

★ Then run startup1.txt on TF. Commands or software that need to be run before the automatic boot program can be written to this file. Note that the running time of this part cannot be too long, otherwise the subsequent automatic startup program will not work.

★ Automatic startup detection program. The default run time is 40 seconds. See below for specific usage methods

★ Finally, run startup.txt on TF. For example, firewall, Magic Bell King, startup ring tone, etc. can be placed in this file to complete automatic operation at boot.


☆ Shortcut icons: The 2nd and 3rd icons from the left are changed to "My Favorites" and "Settings", and the 2 icons on the right are deleted.

You can reset the two icons on the right in Settings - Home Screen Settings;

☆ The recording parameters of RealPlayer are all set to 500 except for the history record which is still 20.

☆ Set the storage location for adding contacts in the phone book to the phone memory;

☆ Corrected the low-end frequency of FM Radio in the previous version and restored it to the default 87500; - 48 , version 53 have not been modified

☆ The shutter sound of the camera and video camera is silent by default. This function has little meaning after activating the menu to mute the shutter sound. --Unmodified in version 53

User qingwei168 edited this post at 22:10 on October 25, 2006.

qingwei168 (Zhengzhou Community) 2006-10-25 22:09


4. ★Settings and usage of the automatic boot function:

1. Settings: Create a file on the TF card and name the file reboot. The content of the file does not matter. The default is to detect for 40 seconds, wait for 10 seconds, and restart with pure vibration. You can create this file in the TF card in large capacity mode, or open Notepad on your phone, enter a few characters, save it to the TF card, and name it reboot. There cannot be multiple files named starting with reboot.

2. Set the alarm clock in ring tone and vibration mode. Please note that the alarm clock tone file cannot be in Chinese. The directory you create cannot be in Chinese (the Chinese directory that comes with the phone's memory can be used).

3. The alarm tone cannot be the same as the incoming call tone, otherwise misjudgment will occur.

★Actual results:

Set the alarm time and be sure to check the box to ring when shutting down!

Note that the phone restarts very quickly, restarting in 30 seconds.

☆ Ring loudly: Ring detected, restart after "waiting time"

☆ Vibrate and ring loudly: Vibrate first and ring, after "waiting time" Restart.

☆Vibrate and then ring loudly: vibrate first, then the ringing will restart. Note that the waiting time n2 should be greater than the duration of the vibration;

☆Ring softly: A ringing is detected and restarted after the "waiting time"

☆Ringing softly after the vibration - first Vibrates and restarts after ringing. Note that the waiting time n2 should be greater than the duration of vibration;

☆Vibration: This mode may cause misjudgment when there is an incoming call during normal startup. The default is to restart the alarm clock when it is turned on. It will also restart when there is an incoming call when it is turned on normally. If no restart is required, set n3 to 1.

☆Mute: Does not work

★Advanced value of parameter:

The format is "reboot n1 n2 n3":

n1 : Detection time, valid value is 20~90. That is, the time for the program to run after booting;

n2: waiting time, valid value is 0~60. Ring loudly, ring softly, vibrate and ring loudly. It is the time to wait for restart after detecting the alarm ring tone; it is after vibration + ring tone, it is the time to detect the ring tone, which must be greater than the duration of the vibration; it is pure Vibrating, it is the time to wait for restart or not to restart.

n3: No setting is required; when it is 1, this function does not work in pure vibration mode. After the "waiting time" of continuous vibration after power-on, if n3=1, it will not work; otherwise, it will restart;

The parameters can be set by oneself for the test, and the best neon? idle?

If the file name starting with reboot does not exist, this function will not work; if the n1 and n2 parameters after reboot are not set correctly, the default is reboot 40 10 0.



5. How to automatically run multiple programs at startup :

After flashing the 48 and 53 versions provided by yan0, the A1200 supports the function of automatic operation at boot. During the boot process, the commands in startup1.txt and startup.txt on the TF card are automatically run.

★ Commands or software that need to be run before the automatic startup program can be written to startup1.txt. Note that the running time of this part cannot be too long, otherwise the subsequent automatic startup program will not work.

★ Other programs or commands are placed in startup.txt. For example, firewall, Magic Bell King, startup ring tone, etc. can be placed in this file to complete automatic operation at boot.

For example: to realize automatic backup of database files to TF card at startup, add the following command to startup.txt, and the database file main.db will be automatically copied to the TF card after startup (/mmc/mmca1/ is the TF card path)

cp /ezx_user/sysDatabase/main.db /mmc/mmca1/main.db

Run multiple programs, startup.txt is as follows:


/mmc/mmca1/.system/QTDownLoad/path1/filename1 amp;

/mmc/mmca1/.system/QTDownLoad/path2/ filename1 amp;

/mmc/mmca1/.system/QTDownLoad/path2/filename1 amp;


Connect the mobile phone to the computer in large capacity mode. Use UltraEdit to create and modify the startup.txt file on the TF card.

To automatically run a program, you need to write the absolute directory of the program and the name of the running program. The above path1, filename1, etc. need to be modified to the corresponding program: first find the installation directory, such as a firewall, and after installation In T card .system/QTDownLoad/ezxphoneassist, the running program is ezxphoneassist.lin (you can open the desktop file on the computer: exec=ezxphoneassist.lin, ezxphoneassist.lin is the name of the running program)

-- ------------------

With the function of automatically running the program at boot, it provides a solution to the problem of theme installation crash

A1200 theme installation The methods are mostly those provided by Zhang Huaihuai. The theme installation process is to create the directory themes in /ezx_user/download/appwrite/setup/, create a theme subdirectory under it, and then copy the iconres.ezx and other files to the directory, and restart the theme to take effect. Due to the limitations of the ezx_user directory, an excessively large iconres.ezx file may cause the phone to crash after booting.

For users who have already flashed their phone and installed the patch to support automatic operation at boot, if they encounter the problem of installing themes and crashing on boot, they can download the startup.txt file provided by yan0, unzip it after downloading and rename the file to startup.txt. Copy to TF card through card reader. Install the TF card into the phone, run startup.txt automatically after booting, it will automatically clear the installed themes and restore to the original theme settings, and then restart the phone.

Download address: Fix_themes_startup.rar


Six . Regarding the adjustment method of the incoming call ringtone of A1200:

Ringtone volume adjustment has been added to the flash package provided by yan0. During the boot process, the A1200 can be modified through the mount --bind method. Volume configuration file ezx_volumetable.cfg.

Copy the modified ezx_volumetable.cfg to the TF card or My Collection-Others. After the mobile phone program is started, the modified volume adjustment will take effect. If you don't need this function, just delete this file and restart your computer.

Click to download and use WINRAR to decompress. ezx_volumetable.cfg is modified and can be used directly. ezx_volumetable_0.cfg is the original file.


Modification of ezx_volumetable.cfg: Find the following fields, modify the numbers in them to make them larger, and be careful not to make any modifications to other fields.

[pcap_loudspk_music] - Speaker playback volume★★★

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;

[pcap_handset_vcall] - Handset call sound volume★★★

0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;

Used here Refer to chenqianok’s post for parameters, which has a very detailed description:


7. A1200 Telnet

After flashing the flash package provided by yan0, the phone supports Telnet. After installing MPKG, install Loader through MPKG, you can download the USBLAN driver:

Download address: A1200_USBLAN_Drivers

Download address 2: usblan_yan0.rar

Download the Extract the files in usblan_yan0.rar to a temporary directory and double-click install.bat. This step is to copy the USB LAN driver of A1200 first.

Connect the mobile phone to the computer in Modem mode, click the Loader smiley icon, the new hardware will be found on the computer, the driver will be pointed to the temporary directory, and the A1200 USB LAN driver will be installed. After the installation is successful, enter the command ipconfig in the cmd command line. You should be able to see the IP address of Enter telnet Enter root in the interface that comes out. Telnet is successful. You can enter linux commands such as dir. . To exit type exit.

Browse the internal files of the phone with the browser: start on the computer, run, enter \\\system.

If the mobile phone connects to the computer and gets another IP address, the mobile phone IP address is the IP it sees plus 1. Start-Run, enter cmd, press Enter, enter ipconfig at the cmd command line to check the IP address. If you see, use telnet


8. Font conversion


Need to flash the machine, provide TF card version and memory version, see yan0's other post for details:

---------------- ------- ============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================

★★★A1200 MPKG installation software part

2006/6/6 Since the memory of the A1200 mobile phone is very small, all programs are set to be installed on the TF card!

1. Software download:

MPKG installation software:

Download address 1, yan0.rar

Download address 2, MPKG

Memory expansion software:

Download address 1_ Memory expansion

Download address 2, for volume compression:

memext_A1200_1.part1.rarmemext_A1200_1 .part2.rar

After downloading, use WINRAR to decompress. yan0.rar contains MPKG_A1200.rar_loader_A1200.pkg, mystuff_A1200.pkg (see the internal file of the mobile phone), nosound _A1200.pkg (silent shutter). memext_A1200.pkg, about 3.3M.

2. Installation

Installation of "MPKG Installation" software

Please back up the data in the TF card by yourself! ! After following the following operations, the JAVA and MPKG programs that have been installed in TF will be lost! !

Connect the mobile phone to the computer in high-capacity mode, copy the directory .system in the MPKG_A1200.rar compressed package to the TF card, overwrite the original file, and copy the file with the suffix pkg to the TF card. Safely disconnect the data cable, and you will be able to see the MPKG program name and icon in the entire phone or application directory. MPKG supports the installation of a maximum of 999 software

Note: Under normal circumstances, there will be no response when clicking MPKG.

Some mobile phones do not support the installation of MOTO's official msn.mpkg handwriting software. Although these mobile phones can install the MPKG installation software, clicking the MPKG icon will display an invalid program and cannot run it. The reason is unknown. Friends who have this problem can read this post: Friends who failed to install msn and handwriting software, take a look at my experiment, it may be helpful:

PKG software installation:

Find the file with the suffix pkg in the TF card - note that since the suffix MPKG cannot be installed directly on the A1200, you need to change mpkg to pkg, and then install and activate the icon through MPKG installation.

Click and hold the PKG file, select the opening method, select MPKG in the list, check "Always use this program to open files", and confirm the operation. After running, the phone will make a ding-dong sound, and the installation is complete. . Continue to install other PKG files, just click on them

3. Icon activation:

Originally there were N many activation methods on the E680/i, but only 2 are available on the A1200.

☆Use the data cable to connect to the computer in high-capacity mode and then disconnect it, or turn off the phone and then turn it on again. The installed program icon will appear in all or applications. Click to run

4. How to uninstall the program: Click and hold the icon of the program you want to uninstall, select Uninstall in the menu that appears, then turn off the phone and turn it on again to uninstall it cleanly.

Note: Do not modify contest and contest.desktop in the MPKG directory, otherwise the installed software will not be able to run.


★★★Provide PKG software instructions--updated from time to time

★Loader: ☆Can be used to run script programs, such as Zhang Huaohao's theme script program, change the script program suffix to lin, click and hold the lin file, select the open method, and select it from the list Select Loader, check "Always use this program to open files", and confirm the operation. From now on, you can just lin the file and run it

☆ Set the USB mode to modem, connect to the computer, click the Loader icon, USBLAN will be found on the computer, and after the driver is installed, the computer will recognize the phone as a network card. For related drivers and Telnet, see the Telnet section.

mystuff: After installation, it is named "File Management" and is used to copy and view internal files. If you are not familiar with the internal files of your mobile phone, please do not modify them directly.

★ nosound:

After installation, the name is "Silent Shutter". After clicking, there will be a ding-dong sound, and the camera will be set to silent.



Because the software is large and the installation process is long, be patient and wait for the ding-dong sound. After installation, the name is "Memory Extension". After clicking Ding Dong, the installation is successful. Click Ding Dong again and the program exits successfully. It is recommended to run it first after turning on the computer, and then run other software. If you want to exit this program, first exit all other programs, and then click the icon to exit

PKG software to modify shortcut icons

Download address 1: A1200_1.rar

Download address 2, A1200_1

After downloading, WINRAR decompresses 2 files: ghost_A1200.pkg (please do not use this ghost, the software has been updated with the recovery software, please use the backup released on 7/2 below, Backup software in recovery), myidle_A1200.pkg. Copy it to the TF card of your mobile phone, install it through MPKG, and activate the icon.

★myidle: After installation, the program name is "My Icon". Before running, please go to Settings-Home Screen Settings to modify the icon and save it before running this program. After running Ding Dong, please turn off the phone and turn it on again. You will find that the icons in the bottom row of the phone have changed to 3. The 2nd and 3rd icons from the left cannot be changed. They have been modified to "My Favorites" and "Settings". "-These two icons are the most commonly used and do not provide a method to change back to the original icons. The two icons on the far right have been deleted. If necessary, you can set the icons yourself in Settings - Home Screen Settings. My habit is to delete the rightmost icon to prevent accidentally opening other software when exiting the software quickly

Backup and recovery PKG software released on 7/2:

Find the recovery of the phone book Method, it can run without flashing + patching. After using PKG backup software to back up the data, you can restore the backed up data. In this way, you will not be afraid of losing your phone book, text messages and other contents after flashing the phone multiple times

Download address 1: A1200_3

Download address 2: [A1200_3.rar

After decompression Get Restore_A1200.pkg, Ghost_A1200.pkg. Copy to TF card, install through MPKG, and activate the icon.

★Ghost: The name of the installed program is "Backup". Every time you click it and hear the ding-dong sound, open the TF card and a directory will appear in the Backup directory. Follow the instructions Back_monthday_n Name it in the format, open this directory, and there will be sysDatabase and mailfile in it: main.db in the sysDatabase directory is the database file for the phone book and short messages; mailfile contains the MMS received and sent, which can be opened by clicking on the mobile phone. --The backed up main.db contains the phone book and short messages. The phone book and short messages can be extracted from it. Please keep it safe.

★Restore: The program name after installation is "Restore". When you need to restore the main.db file backed up by Ghost, copy and paste main.db into the Backup directory of the TF card, then run Restore. After hearing the ding-dong sound, wait a few seconds and the phone will restart. After startup, open the phone book and text message, you can see that it has been updated. After the recovery is successful, main.db in Backup will be renamed main.db_. --Please use this function with caution. It is generally used for recovery after the phone owner clears it.

psysun's firewall has been adapted to the A1200 with some modifications.

Download 1: Firewall

Download 2: Phoneassist_A1200.rar

The phone needs to be re-flashed with the cracking package provided by yan0

After installation Activate the icon and change the program name to "Firewall".

Click the icon to make a ding-dong sound, indicating that the program has started running; click a ding-dong sound to indicate that the program has now exited.

The first time you run it after installation, the program will generate the blackno.txt file on the TF card. Please modify blackno.txt to add your own blacklist. Note that the first line should be left blank. Close the program and re-run it to read the newly configured list.

For blacklist number setting issues, please see psysun's post:

Note: After connecting to the computer in large capacity mode, the program will automatically exit. It is unknown under what other conditions it will exit.

Magic Ring King: Modified from liangd99's Magic Ring King, retaining the function of automatically changing ringtones for incoming calls and text messages. For specific usage methods, please refer to the files decompressed by the software after downloading.

Requires flashing and patching before use.

Download address 1: A1200_ChangRing

Installed through MPKG. Click to run as a ding-dong sound, and then click to exit as a ding-dong sound. After changing the ring tone type, you need to re-run the software. The first time you run it, a directory of myRingtone will be created on the TF card with message in it. The incoming call ringtone file will be copied to myRingtone, and the SMS ringtone will be copied to the message directory.


A1200 capture software:

A1200 is 260,000 colors 18-bit, E680/i and others are 66,536 colors 16-bit, and the capture software of E680/i cannot be used on A1200. yan0 wrote the A1200 script capture program himself, and wrote the conversion program in C language. The program was poorly written, but it could achieve the conversion effect, and then used DOS batch processing commands to complete the conversion of multiple pictures. Linux scripts, C, and DOS commands are all used.

See here for how to download and use the capture software. If you find it useful, please upvote this post: