2. Muxuan. Mu Xuan, the impressive son of the kite shoulder, was deeply impressed. He will be like a star, scattered like a pine tree, and then know a gentleman. It's a clean and excellent name, which is very pleasant to read and listen to. Taking this as a boy's name means that people are cheerful, open-minded, gentle and honest. Gao Fushuai is like Yushu in Lan Zhi, and it is elegant and atmospheric. When you see the classics, you are virtuous and carry things, and your life is calm, not arrogant and impetuous, which is conducive to the development of children's character.
3. hey Yucheng, a modest gentleman, elegant and gentle as jade, is an elegant, handsome and sunny name. The word "jade" is full of atmosphere and warmth, which means that people are elegant and handsome, and it also means that they have the spirit of kings, which means that they will achieve extraordinary success in the future and reach the top. The word "Cheng" gives people an auspicious feeling, which means that people are blessed by heaven, famous in the world, bright in the sky, and even in business. After becoming an official, their fortune will get better and better.