2, Eben Chinese literal translation: Eben, pronunciation ['ebn].
3, Edison Chinese literal translation: Edison, pronunciation ['Edison].
4. Chinese literal translation of Bevan: Bevan, pronounced ['bevn].
5, Carver Chinese literal translation: Calvin, pronunciation ['kɑ:v].
6.Farrell Chinese literal translation: Farrell, pronunciation ['frl].
7. Chinese literal translation of Hosea: Hersey, pronunciation [hu'zi:].
8.Hugo Chinese literal translation: Hugo, pronunciation ['hju:gu].
9. Chinese literal translation of Lance: lance, pronunciation [lɑ:ns].
10, Mac Chinese literal translation: Mike, pronunciation [mk].
Extended data:
1, English name is too common.
The first problem is that English names are too common, such as Henry, Jane, John and Mary Mary. This is like foreigners naming Zhao Zhiwei, Wang Xiaogang and Chen Xiaoping, giving people a far-fetched feeling. Although there are no certain rules for naming names, it gives people a very important feeling.
2, strive for the local pronunciation of English names and Chinese names, such as:
Jet Li Jet Li Nicholas Tse Tim Xie Hou Dejian James Hou Xu Huanshan Sam Xu
Zhu Xiaolin Lynn Wang Zhu Dong Mei Mei Wang Wu Jiazhen Jane Wu Wu Shan Wu Sandy