The man kept thinking about Mr. Zhugua's words when he was on the road, but he never understood the meaning. He unconsciously arrived at the Yellow River ferry and saw many people flocking to a big ship. Only after asking did I know that the boatman hired a troupe on the boat to attract customers, so all the boatmen flocked to the boat, and this man followed the crowd to the boat. The man suddenly remembered that Mr. Zhugua had said not to be crowded by boat, so he hurried over. When the ship reached the center of the Yellow River, he suddenly heard a noisy sound from outside. When the man walked out of the cabin, he saw that the singing ferry was on fire and people jumped into it to escape. At that time, the man broke out in a cold sweat and was glad that he didn't take the big ship and escaped.
The man felt very tired after a long journey, so he found a hotel to stay. I slept for a while and suddenly woke up. Although I felt sleepy, I couldn't sleep, so I went to the counter and asked the bartender where this place was. The bartender told him that this place is the old tundi in Tianjin. When this person heard the word "bottom", he quickly withdrew from the room, and he didn't want the store to refund the money, so he hurried on overnight. As soon as the rooster crowed, he heard people cheering from behind, and soon he became angry. The man felt strange and didn't know what had happened. Just before dawn, there was a "rumbling" voice behind him. Soon I saw the chariots and horses of the brigade and the panicked crowd. Only after asking did I know that the hotel I stayed in last night was looted by robbers and set on fire!
The man escaped two disasters and finally returned to his hometown safely. One day, it rained heavily, and the man stood at the door of his house, watching the wind and rain outside. He found that his broken woodshed seemed to collapse, and there was an old hen in it, spreading her wings to shelter some chickens from the wind and rain. Moved by sympathy, the man went back to the house to look for an umbrella. He went out to take the hens and chickens out and put them in a safe place. Halfway through, I remembered Mr. Shugua's sentence "You can't save a chicken in the water" and turned around. Just as I entered the door, I heard a crash behind me. Looking back, the broken wood shed collapsed. If I go by myself, I'll just be smashed in the broken woodshed!
Shortly thereafter, the man was looking for something in the house, and accidentally bumped into an oil basket hanging under the beam, spilling oil all over his head. He just wanted to wash it, but he remembered Mr. Zhugua's words: you don't need to wash the oil head. Although he didn't understand why he couldn't wash it, he didn't wash his hair again because of what happened before. The next morning, something strange happened: my wife was killed for no reason! As a result, the matter went to court, and the man really didn't know why. The presiding judge asked him anxiously, remembering Mr. Zhugua's last sentence, but he didn't understand what it meant and kept nagging: "A barrel of three liters of rice." The presiding judge asked him what he meant, and the man told his divination and what happened in the past. After careful consideration, the presiding judge thought that the last sentence was a clue to solve the case, so the presiding judge asked, is there a man named Kang Qi here? As a result, there really was such a person as Kang Qi, and the presiding officer was overjoyed and thought that Kang Qi was the murderer! When Kang Qi was arrested in the first instance, he confessed that Kang Qi was a tramp. When this man was on a business trip, Kang Qi had an affair with this man's wife. After the man came home, Kang Qi couldn't eat the fishy smell any more, so Kang Qi decided to kill the man in order to hook up with his wife for a long time! When the murder happened that night, because the room was too dark, the couple slept in the same bed, and Kang Qi couldn't tell who was who. As soon as this Kang Qi touched the bed, he smelled a thick smell of oil on a person's head, so he thought that this person must be a woman, because ancient women often painted their hair with oil to achieve the purpose of beauty, so Kang Qi killed another one without oil smell, just to kill his lover.
This story is widely circulated and there are many versions, but most of them are unclear. Only the above version is more detailed and clear. From all indications, it seems that this story was not invented by people, but it did happen!
From the following story, after deducing the lesson of six years old, I got the following class types and explanations, which I believe can give great inspiration to the six-year-old fans and researchers who read this article!
Renzi's Ten Days of Japanese Occupation of Chen Jia is empty.
Clear sky in the river ditch
Xu Hai, Shen You
Wei Zhu Huzi
Snakes are ugly in the afternoon.
Chen Simao Yin
Gui Hou yin Xuan
Snake Yin is noble and mysterious.
Wu Mao Yin Si
Maozi yinren
Cai Bingwu Snake VIII
Father's own hook
Ren huzi brothers
Let's try to understand Mr. Zhugua's son from the six-person class arranged above:
1, Mao is a boat, and snakes are used in the afternoon, which means that something will happen on the boat, and the fire will be lively and crowded in the afternoon. This is "don't squeeze by boat". If you squeeze, it is intentional.
2, for the store, for robbery, but in a shady place, the sky is dead, that is, there is no bottomless pit, which is "waiting for the store, not staying at the bottom", and robbing if there is a "bottom"!
3. You are a chicken, and you can see the water on it. You are a chicken in the water, and the child is the god who kills the tiger with a sheep blade. This is "the chicken in the water can't be saved". If you save it, you will see a fierce injury.
4, unitary as a basket, ancient oil-filled appliances, hanging with hooks; Noon is the head. You add your head to the bath water that day, which means "oily head". You wash with water, your son is a blade tiger. You'll be killed if you wash it!
5, Yin is the court, the official, and the Xuan is unknown; The Yin God of Yin is the fourth, fire is expensive, and noble people understand. This is the image of "being an official is bright".
6. Yin is rice, and the god of metaphysics is empty when it is spent. There must be less rice and more chaff, but the yin is not empty, which also means less rice. Yin is deficiency, March 8, fire 27. Comprehensive analysis is "three liters of rice in the valley"!
The above six items are the plans for recess, and they are analyzed in detail. I believe it is not difficult to infer from the story.