What is heavy pollution?

Heavy pollution industry refers to the industrial sector that seriously pollutes the environment.

According to the pollution nature of enterprises, it can be divided into:

① Pollution sources of industrial wastewater. Including gas plants, oil refineries, chemical plants, dye plants, pulp mills, coking plants, electroplating plants, chlor-alkali plants, pesticide plant, glass factories, paint factories, synthetic resin factories, smelters, battery factories, paint factories and so on.

(2) industrial waste gas pollution sources. Including thermal power plants, steel mills, coking plants, non-ferrous metal smelters, petrochemical plants, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer plants, sulfuric acid plants, chlor-alkali plants, chemical fiber plants, pesticide plant, synthetic rubber plants, paper mills, glass plants, cement plants and so on.

③ Pollution sources of industrial waste residue. Including mining slag in the construction of various metallic and nonmetallic mines, metallurgical slag in metallurgical industry, fuel slag in thermal power plants and boilers, chemical slag in chemical industry and waste residue in sugar, paper, ceramics and other industries;

④ Pollution sources of industrial noise. Including metal mining and mineral processing industries, power plants, smelters, cement plants, printing and paper mills, textile industries, machinery industries, casting and forging enterprises.