Catherine Catherine, pure Greek.
Chloe, Chloe, young Greek beauty.
Candice Candice Latin is passionate, honest and pure.
Camille, an aristocratic woman with good Latin character in Ksenya Goryachova Camilla.
Coral Carroll Greek, French coral or gift, colored stone.
Celeste, celeste, the happiest man in Latin, is in heaven.
Maggie, Maggie, Latin pearls.
Maxine, Latin Queen of maxine.
Milla Baylor Milla Baylor Spanish is very beautiful.
Happy Britain is full of joy and laughter.
May Boulme Boolean Latin gentle person, kind person.
Michelle Michelle Hebrew Zi Yuan.
Mignon honey neon lamp French exquisite elegance.
Mandy, Mandy, Latin is lovely.
Modest, modest, Latin, modest person.
I hope you like it, but you don't like telling me.