When he saw the compliment, you Wang was amazed and loved it. He immediately made her a princess. At the same time, it also released praise. After the king boasted, he loved her very much and lived a more dissolute and luxurious life.
Play beacon tower:
Zan, though gorgeous as peaches and plums, is as cold as ice and has never smiled once since he entered the palace. In order to win Zan's happy smile, You Wang tried everything, but Zan still didn't smile all day.
To this end, you Wang offered a reward for his plan to capture him. Who can attract compliments and smiles from others? Reward 1200. At this time, the courtier Master Shi thought of an idea for Zhou Youwang: "How about playing beacon tower?"
Beacon is a highland platform, which is used for emergency military warning when the enemy invades. From the capital to the border fortress, there are beacon towers along the way. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, in order to guard against the intrusion of dogs.
There are many beacon towers in the area of Lishan near Haojing (southeast of Lintong County, Shaanxi Province), and one beacon tower is built at regular intervals. Once the dog was attacked, the first sentry who found it immediately lit a bonfire on the stage.
After seeing the nearby beacon towers, they all ignited one after another, which alarmed the nearby governors. As soon as the princes saw the bonfire, they all knew that the capital was in an emergency and the son of heaven was in trouble. They must get up and try to save. Shi Guo's father came up with a bad idea to let the beacon tower light a bonfire for no reason, in order to attract the governors to make a trip in vain, hoping to make them laugh.