Confucius was called Rong Qi among the disciples of seventy-two sages, and the word Zi prayed for capital.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Rong Qi was born in the third year of King Jing of Zhou (542 BC). The young Confucius is only nine years old. In his early years, he went to Zhushui and Sihe to learn from Confucius, mastered the six arts, and helped Confucius delete poems and praise the Book of Changes, the preface to the Book of Changes and the ceremony. "* * * Weiss never fails. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty named him Lu Bo, while Song Zhenzong was tired of the title of Hou. During the Jiajing period of Sejong in the Ming Dynasty, he was called Saint Zi Rong, and now the memorial tablet of Confucius Temple in Qufu is enshrined, ranking 20th. Song Chaorong entrusted (Zhong Si) to revise Rong's genealogy for the first time, that is, the ancestor of Rong and Rongqi was the ancestor, and the most glorious was the forty-sixth. Rong Qi, "Old people cultivate themselves by virtue and cultivate their morality", died in Zhou Yuanwang for four years (470 BC) and was buried in Yuciling at the northern foot of Tanshan Mountain.