You can be greedy. English names include first name, given name and family name. Taking this cat as an example, the given name should be the name given by the priest. It does not exist in China, so just regard it as the name given by the family. , the transliteration of Yue is yoo, which I think is too simple. The word meow (meow) combined is called yomeo, which has no meaning. Yue meow. The first name used to be kitty (kitten, the nickname of catharine), which is easy to remember but always a bit confusing. As soon as the bitch saw me opening my mouth, she said "hello kitty~". I thought it was stupid, so I changed my name to kiki. It didn't mean anything. I like the letter k. It's easy to remember. Foreigners can remember it after saying it once. The last one is family name. , we are all helpless and can only be ro; Rui is the given name. You can choose a name starting with r. The transliteration and etymology meaning of rachel is Rachel. The ewe/lamb represents tenderness.
rebecca represents the loyal woman. Charming beauty
regina Queen Regina represents pure people
rita Rita Pearl represents honest
rose Rose Rose represents (blonde red-haired) beauty
rosemary The small water droplets in the sea represent cuteness (starry sky)
ruby Ruby (or bunny) represents preciousness, kindness and cuteness
First name, call it whatever you like, call it whatever you like. If you like something nice, call it nice. If you like cute, call it cute. If you like cute, call it cute. If you like racy, call it rogue. If you like coquettish, call it coquettish. Wow, kaka, kaka. I’ll give you a collection, pick your own. ada noble/beautiful
agnes pure/chaste
alice noble/truth
amanda worthy loving
amy beloved/deeply loved
angel/angela/angelina angel/messenger
anita/ann/anna/anne/annie graceful
annabelle lovely/beautiful
april the beginning of spring/when the earth rejuvenates
athena the name of the goddess of wisdom
audrey origin noble person
barbara stranger
beatrice person who brings laughter/praying God to create happiness
belle beauty
betty God's Vow
bonnie elegant/kind
brenda powerful/brave
candy frank and pure/passionate and dazzling
carmen is sentimental/loves music
carol is feminine/happy songs
caroline is brave/resolute
catherine/cathy is innocent/ pure
cecelia/celia visionary/sky
chelsea port where ships docked
christina/christine believer in Christ
cindy/cynthia the title of the moon goddess
clara/clare has famous person/brilliant
connie long-lasting loyal person/firm
crystal pure water/as clear as crystal
daisy daisy/from the forest blonde girl
dawn dawn/awakening
deborah queen bee/bee
diana moon/light as day
donna lady/ Lady
dora a person from the sea/a gift from God
doris the name of the ocean goddess/belonging to the ocean
dorothy a gift from God
elaine bright/fawn
elizabeth God's oath
elva magical/wisdom
emily diligent/golden voice
emma omnipotent
erica eternal power/imperial
estella star/star
esther star/wood of love
eva/eve life
fannie/fanny/frances free person
fiona beautiful
flora flower/goddess of flowers
florence youth/flowering
gloria glorious/pleasant person
grace elegant
helen/helena bright/bright girl
hilary happy/happy
hilda female warrior
irene peace/peace goddess
iris rainbow/rainbow goddess
isabel/isabella/isabelle God's oath
ivy sacred food/ivy
jacqueline God bless/people who help others
jane/janet girl/ God is merciful
jennifer/jenny pure girl/white waves
jess/jessica/jessie God’s favor/wealth
jo/joey/ josephine experienced/fertile woman
joan/joanna/joanne God’s merciful grace
joyce happy/pleasant
judy praise
julia/julie/juliet young/soft-haired
june June
karen/kate/katherine/kathy/kitty pure
kelly female warrior
laura bay tree/laurel
lilian lily/purity
linda beautiful person
lisa/ liz God's oath/devotion to God
lucia/lucy brings light and wisdom
mabel gentle person/affable
maggie/margaret pearl
mandy/melinda is worthy of love
matilda is dominant in the war
may the great girl
melody the melody of music
michelle the godlike person
mimi the person who knows how to cherish the precious things in life
miranda precious compliment/admirable person
monica mentor/adviser
nancy elegant/gentle
natalie born on Christmas The name given to the child
nicola/nicole/nikki the winner/the victory of the nation
olivia the peace/olive tree
pamela loves to make trouble but is also pitiable. child
patricia noble birth
paula/pauline petite person/person full of energy and confidence
pearl/peggy pearl/pearl-like
polly daughter of the sea
priscilla ancient people/ancient days
queena/queenie noble/aristocratic sally/sarah princess
samantha Listener/those with an open mind to be taught
sandra/sandy defender of mankind
selina moon/moonlight
sharon beautiful princess/plain
shirley from meadows or pastures
silvia/sylvia from the forest/forest maiden
sophia wise man
stella star/stellar
stephenine crown/glory
sue/susan/susanna/susanne/susie a little lily
teresa harvest/person who gets the harvest
tina petite and exquisite person
tracy courageous fighter/path to the market
valentina healthy/beautiful
vanessa butterfly
venus The most beautiful girl/goddess of love and beauty
veronica brings the message of victory
vicki/vicky/victoria victory
violet violet/modest
virginia, the scene of the rejuvenation of the earth and the prosperity of all things
vivian energetic/lively
wendy adventurous girl
winnie friendly friend/ white waves
yvonne archer/God’s gift
zoe/zoie life