How old can Castillo grow? What is the weight of castelo in different periods?

Castillo is a large dog breed with a history of two thousand years. Their ancestor Roman dogs mainly came from Italy. There are no obvious wrinkles on the body. Castilo is very loyal to his master, so most people still like to treat him as their domestic dog. Black Castro looks particularly fierce. Single women will be used as companion dogs. Weighing close to 4-5 kg at birth.

When Castro was two months old, he had the characteristics of big hands and big heads at that time, and he had no ears for two months. At that time, Castillo, the dog, fell asleep after eating, and then fell asleep before eating. Since childhood, Caselo has been drinking milk really fast, and snoring in bed is unparalleled.

After about three months, Castro can grow to 27 kilograms. It belongs to the stocky kind, fleshy, rectangular, longer than height, with a gray-black nose and large nostrils. Its eyes are round and slightly prominent, almost like pebbles, very focused, sharp and powerful.

Castro is brave by nature and clever by mind. No matter what he learns, he will learn it once or twice, almost all the time. But the disadvantage is that he has a stubborn temper. We should pay attention to the methods of educating him and guide him more, which will achieve good results. Its memory is super good, it won't get lost, and its alertness is relatively strong. ? , will not casually walk with strangers. Brother Hei, although it is meaty, it has good jumping ability. I usually like to make some very sad expressions. Super cute and interesting, I am shy by nature. As a child, due to lack of self-control, it may take a long time to guide or guide the practice, but once trained, a good dog will become very docile and obedient, and everything will be subject to the master's command.

In its childhood, especially in the first few weeks, we should be very careful, because it is easy to get infected with parvovirus and get sick easily, so we should vaccinate in childhood to prevent infection. Most importantly, the owner often plays with them and interacts with them to make the dog feel safe. Castro dogs are divided into males and females, with males weighing about 50 kg and females weighing about 45 kg. Adult male Castro can grow to about 68 cm, and female can grow to 64 cm! There is almost no difference!