Father's surname is Zhu and mother's surname is Xu. Please help us think of a name, followed by two words. In the Year of the Tiger, there is a mountain next to one name and a wood next to another wor

Father's surname is Zhu and mother's surname is Xu. Please help us think of a name, followed by two words. In the Year of the Tiger, there is a mountain next to one name and a wood next to another word. Zhu Zhu Zhu Zhu Hanming Zhu Zedan Zhu Hao Kai Zhu Zhu Runwen Zhu Zekun Zhu Jiayang Zhu Datao Zhu Zibo Zhu Zhu Zilong Zhu Yiquan Yi Oceane zhu Zhu Yelan Zhu Jiaqing

Zhu Zijiang Zhu Zhu Zixi Zhu Lintao Zhu Xiaoying Zhu Zhu Antong Zhu Yujie Zhu Zhijie Zhu Chaojie Zhu Runjie Zhu Yilin Zhu Shiquan Zhu Gebin Zhu Senqi

Zhu Ranfei Zhu Zhenlin Zhu Zengjue Zhu Shenghai Zhu Shengtai Zhu Zhuzai Zhu Shengping Zhu Shukun Zhu Xiqi Zhu Zhicheng Zhu Tongjian Zhu Qicheng Zhu Chongyuan