At that time, millions of Han troops surrounded Gaixia, and only eight hundred heroes was around Xiang Yu. Xiang Yu lamented that he had indomitable spirit, but he could not defeat the enemy, and uttered a cry, "concubine, concubine, what can you do?"
In order not to let her husband come to deus ex, Yu Ji committed suicide by pouting. After Yu Ji, Xiang Yu and eight hundred heroes fought bravely out of the encirclement of millions of troops, but when Xiang Yu finally prepared to cross the Wujiang River, he chose to give up and was finally killed by the Han army. Many people think that Xiang Yu didn't put down his dead concubine in the end and was willing to die with her.
The love tragedy between Xiang Yu and Yu Ji has influenced countless people in later generations, which has made people lament for thousands of years.