The second apple was planted by God. According to the Old Testament, on the day when God created heaven and earth, there were no plants and vegetables on the ground. The Lord made man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils, so he became a living soul, and his name was Adam. The Lord God set up a garden in Eden in the east, and made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, which were pleasing to the eyes and could be used as food. There are trees of life and good and evil in the garden. A river flows from the Garden of Eden, nourishing the garden. The Lord placed Adam in the Garden of Eden, repaired and guarded him, and commanded him, "You may eat whatever you like from all the trees in the garden," but you should not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because eating it will kill you. The Lord said, "It is not good for that man to live alone. I will make him my spouse to help him. Then he put Adam to sleep, took off one of his ribs and put the meat together again. So God made a woman out of Adam's rib and brought her to the man. Adam said, "This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You can call her a woman because she was taken out of a man. "Therefore, a man should leave his parents and join his wife, and the two will become one. At that time, husband and wife were naked and there was no shame. Of all the animals God made of clay, snakes are the most cunning. The snake said to the woman, "Does God forbid you to eat from all the trees in the garden?" The woman said, "There is only the fruit on the tree in the middle of the garden. God said not to eat or touch it, lest it die." The snake said to the woman, "You don't have to die. Because God knows that your eyes are bright, you can know good and evil like God. " The woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food, pleasing people's eyes and making them wise, so she took the fruit and ate it. Give it to her husband. When their eyes were bright, they realized that they were naked, so they made themselves a skirt from the leaves of the fig tree. It's cool and God is walking in the garden. Adam and his wife heard the voice of God and hid in a tree in the garden. The Lord called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you? He said, "I heard your voice in the garden, and I was scared because I was naked." The Lord said, "Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat the fruit from the tree that I told you not to eat? "The woman you live with gave me the fruit from that tree, and I ate it." "The Lord god asked the woman again. The woman said, "The snake seduced me and I ate it. God said to the snake, "since you have done this, you will be cursed more than all the livestock and wild animals." You must crawl all your life and eat dirt. I will also make enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and the seed of the woman. A woman's offspring will hurt your head and you will hurt her heel. " He also said to the woman, "I will increase your pregnancy pain, and it will be more painful for you to have a baby;" "You will long for your husband, and your husband will rule you." He said to Adam, "Since you listened to your wife and ate the fruit of that tree, the earth will be cursed because of you. You will have to work hard all your life to get food from it. Thorns and thistles will grow for you, and you will eat the vegetables of the field. You will live in sweat until you return to the dust, because you came out of the dust, you are dust, and you will return to the dust. " Adam named his wife Eve (meaning "life") because she is the mother of all things. The Lord God said, "That man is as good and evil as we are. Now I'm afraid he will reach out and eat the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. " He sent them out of the Garden of Eden to cultivate the land where he was born.
The third apple belongs to Newton. According to Voltaire's English version of "Principles of Newton's Philosophy", "Newton returned to the countryside and saw the fruit in the garden fall to the ground. One day on 1666, when he was deep in thought, it suddenly occurred to him that the object fell in a straight line. If this line continues, it will almost pass through the center of the earth. " Thus, the "law of gravity" was discovered. Newton made extraordinary achievements in his life. His achievements in astronomy, optics, mathematics and mechanics laid the foundation stone for the development of modern natural science. Especially the three laws of mechanics, also known as Newton's three laws, can be said to be the jewel in the crown of modern natural science. It is said that the real tree was in Woolthorpe Manor, but it was blown down in a storm at 1820. At that time, after the tree was blown down by the storm, it was broken into several pieces, and celebrities from some countries came to break branches from it and took it back for cutting cultivation. Some people have made great efforts to study this tree. Although according to botanists, even if the apple tree grows normally, its life span is only one hundred years. However, according to the newspaper, a doctor named Keesing from York University in England tried his best to prove that the tree was not completely destroyed by wind and rain, but still grew new branches in its original place and continued to grow. He came across a sketch of Woolsop Manor in the18th century, which described the manor environment before the storm, including apple trees and the surrounding environment. He went to the field investigation according to the description in the picture, and was surprised to find that an apple tree was very similar to the picture, not only survived, but also sprouted. Therefore, Dr. Keesing believes that although the tree was blown down by the storm, its trunk and roots still survived and took root again. His research paper was published in the authoritative Journal of Contemporary Physics, and the sample of this tree was sent to Oxford University for carbon dating to confirm its authenticity. The result is still unknown. Only now, on the campus of Oxford University, an apple tree is specially planted to commemorate Newton, and the story about Newton and the apple, after centuries of evolution, has now turned into an apple hitting Newton's head.