I want a vb language source code for calculating birthdays and horoscopes

There is a calculation method for this. As long as you have the calculation formula, I can calculate it. But the prerequisite is that you need to have the calculation formula.

'Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar module

'//Lunar calendar data definition//

'First use the H2B function to restore it to a string with a length of 18, and its definition As follows:

'The first 12 bytes represent January to December: 1 is the big month, 0 is the small month; compressed into hexadecimal (1-3 digits)

'When the 13th digit is a leap month, 1 is a big month with 30 days, and 0 is a small month with 29 days; (4 digits)

'The 14th digit is the month of a leap month, if it is not a leap month, it is 0, otherwise Give the month (5 digits)

'The last 4 digits are the Gregorian calendar date of the Lunar New Year that year, for example, 0131 represents January 31; treat it as a numerical value and convert it to hexadecimal (6-7 digits)

'Lunar constant (1899~2100, ***202 years)

Private Const ylData = "AB500D2,4BD0883," _

& "4AE00DB,A5700D0, 54D0581,D2600D8,D9500CC,655147D,56A00D5,9AD00CA,55D027A,4AE00D2," _

& "A5B0682,A4D00DA,D2500CE,D25157E,B5500D6,56A00CC,ADA027B, 95B00D3,49717C9,49B00DC," _< /p>

& "A4B00D0,B4B0580,6A500D8,6D400CD,AB5147C,2B600D5,95700CA,52F027B,49700D2,6560682," _

& "D4A00D9,EA500CE,6A9157E,5AD00D 6,2B600CC,86E137C ,92E00D3,C8D1783,C9500DB,D4A00D0," _

& "D8A167F,B5500D7,56A00CD,A5B147D,25D00D5,92D00CA,D2B027A,A9500D2,B550781,6CA00D9," _

& "B5500CE,535157F,4DA00D6,A5B00CB,457037C,52B00D4,A9A0883,E9500DA,6AA00D0,AEA0680," _

& "AB500D7,4B600CD,AAE047D,A5700D5,52600CA,F 260379,D9500D1,5B50782,56A00D9, 96D00CE," _

& "4DD057F,4AD00D7,A4D00CB,D4D047B,D2500D3,D550883,B5400DA,B6A00CF,95A1680,95B00D8," _

& "49B00CD,A97047D,A4B 00D5, B270ACA,6A500DC,6D400D1,AF40681,AB600D9,93700CE,4AF057F," _

& "49700D7,64B00CC,74A037B,EA500D2,6B50883,5AC00DB,AB600CF,96D0580,92E00 D8,C9600CD," _

& "D95047C,D4A00D4,DA500C9,755027A,56A00D1,ABB0781,25D00DA,92D00CF,CAB057E,A9500D6," _

& "B4A00CB,BAA047B,B5500D2,55D0983,4 BA00DB,A5B00D0,5171680 ,52B00D8,A9300CD,795047D," _

& "6AA00D4,AD500C9,5B5027A,4B600D2,96E0681,A4E00D9,D2600CE,EA6057E,D5300D5,5AA00CB," _

& "76A037B,96D00D3,4AB0B83,4AD00DB,A4D00D0 ,D0B1680,D2500D7,D5200CC,DD4057C ,B5A00D4," _

& "56D00C9,55B027A,49B00D2,A570782,A4B00D9,AA500CE,B25157E,6D200D6,ADA00CA,4B6137B," _

& "93700D3,49F08C9, 49700DB ,64B00D0,68A1680,EA500D7,6AA00CC,A6C147C,AAE00D4,92E00CA," _

& "D2E0379,C9600D1,D550781,D4A00D9,DA400CD,5D5057E,56A00D6,A6C00 CB,55D047B,52D00D3," _

& "A9B0883,A9500DB,B4A00CF,B6A067F,AD500D7,55A00CD,ABA047C,A5A00D4,52B00CA,B27037A," _

& "69300D1,7330781,6AA00D9,AD500CE,4B5 157E,4B600D6, A5700CB,54E047C,D1600D2,E960882," _

& "D5200DA,DAA00CF,6AA167F,56D00D7,4AE00CD,A9D047D,A2D00D4,D1500C9,F250279,D5200D1"

P Rivate Const ylMd0 = "First grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade, ninth grade, eleven, twenty, thirty, forty-five" _

& "Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen Twenty-twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine and thirty"

Private Const ylMn0 = "正二三四五六七八九十七八九十俑"


Private Const ylTianGan0 = "A, B, C, Ding, Wu, Geng, Xin, Rengui"

Private Const ylDiZhi0 = "Zichou, Yinmao, Chen, Siwu, Wuwei, Youxuhai"

Private Const ylShu0 = " Rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig"

'Convert Gregorian calendar date to lunar calendar

Function GetYLDate(ByVal strDate As String) As String

On Error GoTo aErr

If Not IsDate(strDate) Then Exit Function

Dim setDate As Date, tYear As Integer, tMonth As Integer, tDay As Integer

setDate = CDate(strDate)

tYear = Year(setDate): tMonth = Month(setDate): tDay = Day(setDate)

'If it is not valid and has a date, exit

If tYear > 2100 Or tYear < 1900 Then Exit Function

Dim daList() As String

* 18, conDate As Date, thisMonths As String

Dim AddYear As Integer, AddMonth As Integer, AddDay As Integer, getDay As Integer

Dim YLyear As String, YLShuXing As String

Dim dd0 As String, mm0 As String, ganzhi(0 To 59) As String * 2

Dim RunYue As Boolean, RunYue1 As Integer, mDays As Integer, i As Integer

'Load lunar calendar data within 2 years

ReDim daList(tYear - 1 To tYear)

daList(tYear - 1) = H2B(Mid(ylData, (tYear - 1900) * 8 + 1, 7))

daList(tYear) = H2B(Mid(ylData, (tYear - 1900 + 1) * 8 + 1, 7))

AddYear = tYear


AddMonth = CInt(Mid(daList(AddYear), 15, 2))

AddDay = CInt(Mid(daList( AddYear), 17, 2))

conDate = DateSerial(AddYear, AddMonth, AddDay) 'Lunar New Year date

getDay = DateDiff("d", conDate, setDate) + 1 'Difference in days

If getDay < 1 Then AddYear = AddYear - 1: GoTo initYL

thisMonths = Left(daList(AddYear), 14)

RunYue1 = Val("&H" & Right(thisMonths, 1))? 'Leap month

If RunYue1 > 0 Then? 'There is a leap month

thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, RunYue1) & Mid (thisMonths, 13, 1) & Mid(thisMonths, RunYue1 + 1)

End If

thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, 13)

For i = 1 To 13? 'Calculate the number of days

mDays = 29 + CInt(Mid(thisMonths, i, 1))

If getDay > mDays Then

getDay = getDay - mDays


If RunYue1 > 0 Then

If i = RunYue1 + 1 Then RunYue = True

If i > RunYue1 Then i = i - 1

End If

AddMonth = i

AddDay = getDay

Exit For

< p>End If


dd0 = Mid(ylMd0, (AddDay - 1) * 2 + 1, 2)

mm0 = Mid(ylMn0, AddMonth, 1) + "month"

For i = 0 To 59

ganzhi(i) = Mid(ylTianGan0, (i Mod 10) + 1, 1) + Mid(ylDiZhi0, (i Mod 12) + 1, 1 )

Next i

YLyear = ganzhi((AddYear - 4) Mod 60)

YLShuXing = Mid(ylShu0, ((AddYear - 4) Mod 12 ) + 1, 1)

If RunYue Then mm0 = "Leap" & mm0

GetYLDate = "Lunar calendar" & YLyear & "(" & YLShuXing & ")年" & mm0 & dd0


End Function

'Convert lunar calendar to Gregorian calendar date

'If secondMonth is true, the sky indicates when tMonth is When it is a leap month, get the second month

Function GetDate(ByVal tYear As Integer, tMonth As Integer, tDay As Integer, Optional secondMonth As Boolean = False) As String

On Error GoTo aErr

If tYear > 2100 Or tYear < 1899 Or tMonth > 12 Or tMonth < 1 Or tDay > 30 Or tDay < 1 Then Exit Function

Dim thisMonths As String, ylNewYear As Date , toMonth As Integer

Dim mDays As Integer, RunYue1 As Integer, i As Integer

thisMonths = H2B(Mid(ylData, (tYear - 1899) * 8 + 1, 7) )

If tDay > 29 + CInt(Mid(thisMonths, tMonth, 1)) Then Exit Function

ylNewYear = DateSerial(tYear, CInt(Mid(thisMonths, 15, 2) ), CInt(Mid(thisMonths, 17, 2))) 'Lunar New Year date

thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, 14)

RunYue1 = Val("&H" & Right( thisMonths, 1))? 'Leap month

toMonth = tMonth - 1

If RunYue1 > 0 Then? 'There is a leap month

thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, RunYue1) & Mid(thisMonths, 13, 1) & Mid(thisMonths, RunYue1 + 1)

If tMont

h > RunYue1 Or (secondMonth And tMonth = RunYue1) Then toMonth = tMonth

End If

thisMonths = Left(thisMonths, 13)

mDays = 0< /p>

For i = 1 To toMonth

mDays = mDays + 29 + CInt(Mid(thisMonths, i, 1))


mDays = mDays + tDay

GetDate = ylNewYear + mDays - 1


End Function

' Will compress the lunar calendar Character restoration

Private Function H2B(ByVal strHex As String) As String

Dim i As Integer, i1 As Integer, tmpV As String

Const hStr = " 0123456789ABCDEF"

Const bStr = "0000000100100011010001010110011110001001101010111100110111101111"

tmpV = UCase(Left(strHex, 3))

'Convert hexadecimal to binary

For i = 1 To Len(tmpV)

i1 = InStr(hStr, Mid(tmpV, i, 1))

H2B = H2B & Mid(bStr, (i1 - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)


H2B = H2B & Mid(strHex, 4, 2)

'Hexadecimal Convert system to decimal

H2B = H2B & "0" & ??CStr(Val("&H" & Right(strHex, 2)))

End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Label1.Caption = GetYLDate(Text1.Text)

End Sub