Why are dinosaurs called dinosaurs?

The English name "dinosaur" of dinosaurs comes from the Greek words "deinos" (meaning "terrible") and "sauros" (meaning "lizard"). 1842, Owen summed up nine kinds of large Mesozoic reptiles that had been described in Britain at that time, and created the word Dinosaur (the original English word is DinoSaurier, in which dino comes from the Greek word deinos, which means terrible, and Saurier comes from the Greek word sauro). He mainly wanted to summarize some ancient reptiles that had been discovered at that time, such as lizards. Owen's action opened a channel for later dinosaur research. Because there has always been a legend of "dragon" in China, and "dragon" refers to reptiles such as snakes and lizards, the Latin dinosaur created by Owen is translated into "dinosaur" in translation. In fact, the "dragon" here generally refers to ancient reptiles, and has nothing to do with the legendary "dragon". References:

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