1. Yi in the name means exceeding; in ancient times, it is the same as "overflow", which means filling and flowing out; Tong "yi" means leisurely and happy. The original meaning of the word "yi" is to overtake, which is extended to the meaning of outstanding, excellent, transcendent, etc. It is often used in boys' names. You can name them Jia Yi, Zi Yi, Gong Yi, and Li Yi, which have beautiful meanings and profound connotations.
2. Names can be divided into broad and narrow senses, as well as nicknames, aliases, nicknames, nicknames, etc. The name in the broad sense includes the surname and first name of citizens as well as the names of legal entities and unincorporated groups; the name in the narrow sense only refers to the surname and first name of citizens. A combination of name and character. In ancient China, names and characters were used separately. Today it is collectively referred to as "name", which refers to a name or given name.