Huyou’s Grapefruit

Some etymology scholars believe that grapefruit is called grapefruit not because of the comparison between oranges and grapefruits, but because the Portuguese particularly like to eat grapefruit. It is the Chinese in the place of production, not the Portuguese, who call Portugal This kind of small pomelo that people particularly like is named grapefruit, which also means "small", because compared with the ordinary pomelo of 1 kilogram, a 200 to 300g pomelo is very small. In English, it is called grapefruit. The meaning is translated as Grapefruit.

In 1825, "grapefruit" was first introduced to Florida, which also has a Mediterranean climate at about 28 degrees north latitude (Changshan County is 28 degrees 51 minutes to 29 degrees 13 minutes north latitude); the 19th century entered West Indies; by the end of the 20th century, the main planting areas were Florida, Texas, California, Argentina, Israel, South Africa and other countries. Among them, the grapefruit production in the United States accounts for 70 to 80% of the world's total production, ranking second only to sweet oranges in citrus sales.